Chapter Four ~ Goodbye Cookies, Hello Ireland

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Chapter 4 is here!

Sorry this chapter might not be that great, i've been suffering from writers block!

UGGGHHH stupid writers block!

Enjoy! ;)


  The whole bus ride home I thought about how I would tell my grandma about Ireland. I knew she'd probably want me to go, but I couldn't just leave her especially for Christmas. Every Christmas in the past my grandma and I would wake up spend the morning watching Christmas movies, then we'd bake cookies and spend the rest of the day eating them. I loved Christmas. I wondered what it would be like in Ireland. Does it even snow there? I had only been out of the country once before and that was just to Canada, that was four years ago though. I had never really thought about going to Ireland, much less Europe. Just thinking about it made me kind of excited though!

   Soon the bus was screeching to a sudden halt a few blocks away from the apartment. I got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the bus and hopped out. I was the only one who got out at this stop. I made my way towards the old brick building and stopped in front of the mailbox to retrieve the mail. As I walked up to the door I went through the pile of letters. Bills, bills, and more bills. Looks like i'd be working extra hours. I walked into the small lobby and took the elevator up to our floor. Grandma was on the couch watching Ellen.

"Hey Grandma!"

"Hi honey, how was school?" 

"It was ok."

She nodded

"I'm gonna go get ready for work." I told her and made my way to my small bedroom at the end of the hall.

   The room was originally an office, but when my grandma took me in she converted it into a small bedroom. There wasn't much to it, just a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a closet. There was only one window, from it you could see the town, I always loved looking out it in the winter time when the whole town was lit up in festive lights. It was so beautiful.

   As I threw my backpack on my desk chair something caught my eye, a picture of my dad and I. It was taken a few weeks before he went to war. We both had huge smiles plastered on our faces. I remembered my mom taking the picture, we were outside playing soccer and she came out and claimed she needed a picture of her 'two favorite people in the whole wide world' to put in her office. As my mom was trying to take the picture my dad and I couldn't stop laughing. Everything was perfect then. I found myself reaching up to feel the silver dog tags. I missed him so much.

  I shook that thought out of my mind before i'd be late for work. I quickly changed into my uniform: plain khakis, a black polo shirt with Mario's Coffeehouse embroidered in the corner and just plain tennis shoes. I put my hair up, it was required, grabbed my purse and headed out the door. Since I couldn't afford a car, I always had to walk to town, sometimes I took the bus too. In the past I had tried saving up for a car, but then my grandma had to have surgery on her leg and insurance wouldn't cover it. Its hard not having a lot of the things other kids have like cars and all this expensive stuff, but i'm just glad i'm not living in a foster home getting beaten to death. 


  Soon Mario's came into view and I walked up to the back door and let myself in. I found Mario's nephew, Carlos, mopping the floor.

"Hey Carlos!"

"Hello Charlotte!"

Like Mario, Carlos had a Brazilian accent.

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