Chapter Six ~ Meeting Lou and Baby Lux

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So excited for this chapter!

Charlotte finally meets Niall... well kind of.


Enjoy! ;)


~Niall's POV~

"Niall James Horan, get down here this instant!" Me mum called from downstairs.

"Your aunt and cousin will be here in four hours and I haven't even started cooking dinner!"

"I'M COMING!" I called.

   Caitlin, my cousin, I haven't supposedly seen since I was like 4, and her mom, my aunt, are coming over to spend the holidays with us. I was finally getting a vacation and I had to spend it with complete strangers pretty much! They were also bringing some other girl with them, Caitlin's best  friend, I think, was coming too. I just learned I had a cousin named Caitlin like a week ago and then I find out she's bringing a friend with her! Thanks for the heads up, mum! For all I knew her friend could be some fuckin hot model! I'll probably end up embarrassing myself in front of her and then she'll think i'm some kind of insane, retarded, blonde kid who loves food! I was over thinking this waaaay to much!

"NIALL JAMES HORAN! If you don't get your-...!"

"I'M COMING!" I yelled.

I still have a few hours...

"only a few hours." I mumbled to myself.


~Charlotte's POV~

    Once we got off the plane, we headed to the bathrooms to change into more 'decent clothes' as Caitlin's mom had put it. Big mistake. She obviously didn't realize that we weren't the only ones who had to use the bathroom. We ended up waiting for like half an hour just to change! I quickly put on the outfit I had picked out for tonight: dark skinny jeans, some black slouch boots, a cream colored sweater, and a black pea coat and scarf. I spent almost two hours trying to find the best outfit just to wear to meet Caitlin's family!

   I was the first one out, so I decided to wait outside where it was less crowded. I took a seat on a bench outside of the bathroom. All of a sudden, a young mom, struggling with a bunch of luggage and a baby came and sat down on the bench next to me. As the lady sat down, her baby dropped her stuffed animal. I bent down to pick it up.

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed once she saw what I was doing. I handed the stuffed animal back to her. She looked really young, she had blonde hair and I noticed a tattoo on the inside of her arm, when she went to grab the stuffed animal from me.

"Oh your welcome!" I smiled.

Once the baby had her stuffed animal, the lady stuck out a hand.

"I'm Lou... Lou Teasdale."

I shook her hand.

"Charlotte Wescott." I announced

The baby started whimpering, Lou started bouncing her knee up and down, which made the baby start to giggle. She was so cute!

"What's her name?" I asked, a big smile on my face from seeing the baby giggle.

"This is baby Lux!" She grinned down at the baby.

"She is so cute!" I exclaimed.

Lux made a gurgling sound and a little smile spread across her chubby cheeks. Adorable!

"Thank you!" Lou said, giggling at Lux's expression. I started laughing too.

Just then, Caitlin and her mom walked out of the bathroom.

"Took you long enough!" I teased.


"stupid girl stuff!" she mumbled to herself.

"Oh yeah, Caitlin, Mrs. James, this is Lou Teasdale and baby Lux!" I introduced them too eachother.

"Hello!" Mrs. James was the first to say.

"Hi!" Lou responded. Lux started giggling.

"Awww she is so cute!" Caitlin cooed.

"Thank you!" Lou grinned.

After a minute of talking to Lou about places in Ireland we should visit(I thought we were just staying with Caitlin's family...) Mrs. James announced that we had to go.

"It was nice meeting you, Lou!" She called.

"And you too, Lux!" she said in a baby voice. Weird, I thought to myself, never in a million years would I imagine Mrs. James talking in a baby voice, in public!

 Caitlin and I waved our goodbyes to Lou and baby Lux, gathered all our luggage and headed out of the Dublin airport for Mullinger, County Westmeath, Ireland. Wherever that was.

"I could've sworn i've heard of that lady before!" Mrs. James claimed as we were piling into a taxi we had hailed.

"Who, Lou?" I asked.

"Yeah, and baby Lux, they sound so familiar."

"It was probably on that show you watch, mom, the Housewives of Orange County or something." Caitlin joked.

"Yeah I guess." She replied.


After what seemed like forever we finally stopped at a big, cottage looking home, way out in the Irish countryside.

"This house is so cute!" I announced after staring at it through the taxi window.

"I know right!" Caitlin agreed.

   When we had finally gotten all our luggage out of the trunk of the taxi, Mrs. James thanked the taxi driver and paid him(probably like 50 bucks!) and we headed up a stone pathway, leading up to the house. Mrs. James knocked on the door.

"Niall, can you get that?!" I heard someone, Caitlin's aunt, I guessed yell from the inside of the house.

Niall? ...Where have I heard that name before? I thought to myself. It sounded so familiar.

All of a sudden the door was open, and standing there, in the doorway, was the cute, Irish, blonde boy I had seen on TV the other day, the one who was in that band One Direction. Standing right in front of us, was THE NIALL HORAN!



Charlotte and Niall are finally MEETING!!!

Let me know what you think so far!


HEHE! I promise you will love it!!! :D



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