Chapter One ~ One Direction Infection

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OMG First Chapter!

Accomplishment! Now for that Algebra homework...



     My feet continuously hit the sidewalk with force each step I took, I always liked to run in the morning, well actually my volleyball coach encouraged me to do it, she said it would help build my muscles, well more like get me those "sexy legs every girl wants," as she put it. I guess I didn't mind running though it was a good way to clear your mind and plus I had music so it wasn't too bad. It was really early only 6:15 AM, it was the only time I could run in the day, the whole world was just waking up, it was my favorite time to run. I could now see the sun peeking over the hills in the distance, the sky was a whole bunch of different shades of yellow and orange and purple, it was beautiful. It was the beginning of December so it was really chilly, but sweat beaded my forehead anyways.

     Soon I could see Mario's Coffeehouse up ahead, any day I was off of school and all summer I worked there, plus Mario made the best Lattes and Hot Chocolate. It was kind of like my pit stop for when I ran in the mornings. I quickly made my way past a few more historical buildings and entered the small coffee shop.

"There's my favorite worker!" I heard Mario say in his thick Brazilian accent, who knew Brazilians loved coffee?! I always teased Mario about that.

I walked up to the counter and was immediately filled with the aroma of coffee and pastries. I loved Mario's!

"Hey Mario!" I grinned.

"What can I get for you today Miss Charlotte?" he asked, probably already knowing the answer.

I scanned the menu trying to decide on whether to try the new Peppermint Hot Chocolate or just a regular Latte.

"Umm... I think i'll try the new Peppermint Hot Chocolate and a Cheesecake Scone." I finally responded. I loved cheesecake!

"Coming right up!" Mario announced, rushing to the back to make it.

   As I waited for Mario, I scanned the tiny coffee shop. I always loved coming here, especially in the winter when it was all warm and cozy. The coffee shop was actually pretty big inside, well for a building in Butler anyways, in one corner two couches sat facing a fireplace, in between was a table with magazines scattered all over it. Booths occupied the rest of the shop, with a few other tables and chairs. A TV was on one wall too, facing the booths and tables and chairs. Then in the front, right when you walked in, was the counter and all the yummy pastries, Mario made the BEST scones!

"Here you go!" Mario said handing me the hot chocolate and scone.

"Thanks Mario!" I exclaimed, handing him the money.

"Oh and Mario you know I can't come to work tonight?" I asked him just making sure he already knew.

"Yes of course, volleyball game right?" he said with a smile.

"Yup." I grinned "Thanks Mario!"

"No problem honey!" he answered, his accent always made me laugh.

    I walked away from the counter and took a seat at one of the smaller booths facing the TV. I glanced up at the TV, The View was on. Mario always had this show on in the mornings. I watched as 5 really hot guys made there way across a stage and sat down.

"So today as you all know is our interview with One Direction!" The tall blond interviewer announced.

She paused as the audience cheered.

My Best Friend's Cousin ~ One Direction Fanfic {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now