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I was on my bed lying upside down as I read Emma by Jane Austen when I heard a clunk. I sat up quickly and looked around my bedroom to try and locate the source of the noise. Then there's another clunk, this time I see it's coming from the same area as my window. I run to the window and see one of my best friends Stiles Stilisnki standing on the veranda of the first floor of my house. 

I look at him quizzically as he motions for me to open the window. I roll my eyes as I unlock the window and open it and raise an eyebrow. "Is this the bit where you start to quote Rapunzel?" I whisper sarcastically and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Come down here."He hisses at me and I shake my head as I throw the rope ladder I had made as a child that I used to use to sneak out at night to hang out with Stiles and Scott. 

"This better be worth it," I say to him as I climb down the rope and shut the window behind me.

I dust off my hands as I look at him expectingly. "Well?" I ask snarkily. 

"Jeez, maybe you should go back up and go to sleep." He says matching my tone. I rise a singular eyebrow and he puts his hands up in defence. "I know it's late but you have to hear this, my dad left 10 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Hills department and even the state police." He says proudly as though his eavesdropping was a talent. 

"So?" I ask him slowly. 

Stiles begins to smile. "Two joggers found a body in the woods." 

I gape at him. "You can't be serious." I manage to choke out. 

"Deadly." He responds with a laugh at his own pun and I pinch his arm. 

"So what did you get me for?" I ask him rubbing a hand over my cold arms. 

"That's the best part, they only found half of the girl's body." He smirks at me as he nods his head. "We're going to pick up Scott and then we're going to look for it."

"Hold on-" I start but Stiles shakes his head.

"We. Are. Going." He says forcefully. "Nothing interesting ever happens here and now that it has you will not be taking this away from me." 

"At least let me get a sweater-" I start again but Stiles has already dragged me to his Jeep. 

"You can use this one, but we have to get Scott before my dad gets to the body before we do." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"Yes because god forgive that the police have the opportunity to do their job," I say sarcastically and Stiles ignores me as I climb into the front seat of his jeep. 

"Scott's going to hate you for this you know," I say as I put on Stiles's zip-up hoodie he was wearing. Stiles lets out a light scoff. 

"He's the one bitching that nothing interesting ever happens here and now that it finally did you reckon he's going to complain?" Stiles lets out another scoff. 

"I think you're getting yourself mixed up with Scott, Sti," I say with a small smile. 

Stiles looks away from the road to me and glowers at me. "Don't call me that stupid nickname." He says and I grin. 

"Sure thing Sti." I say with a wink and Stiles turns away from me shaking his head as we pull up to Scott's house. 

"Should we scare him?" I ask with small smile as we pull into the driveway. 

"Of course." Stiles says matching my grin. "I'll go up to the roof and we can jumpscare him at the same time from different angles." 

We both creep towards the house, Scott's bedroom is on the first floor and the window to his room is open, with the lights still on. 

Stiles begins to climb the wall the leads to the roof above Scott's window as I move to stand beside it. I pick up a stray rock lying on the deck and throw it into Scott's room. Scott looks out the window trying to see where it came from but doesn't see me, he puts his head back in the window and I throw another rock. Seconds later Scott opens the door of his house and steps out with a baseball bat, I look at Stiles and mouth 'now' and he winks at me.

"Boo!" I shout at the same time as Stiles swings down from the railing and nearly gets Scott's bat to the face. Scott screams as he looks at us both and I start to laugh. 

"What the hell are you two doing?" He demands as Stiles swings down from the railing laughing too.

"Why do you have a bat?" I ask through wheezes of laughter. 

Scott swings the bat to his side and glares at us both. "I thought you were a freaking predator." He says annoyed and I look at Stiles and we lose it. 

"A...predator?" I ask laughing my ass off. 

Scott rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his front as he glowers at us both. 

Stiles settles down a little bit and begins to explain what he told me to Scott."...Two joggers found a body in the woods." He says grinning. 

Scott lets out a gasp. "A dead body?" He asks sounding confused. 

"No, a body of water," Stiles says and rolls his eyes at Scott. "Yes dumbass a dead body."

"You mean like a murder?" He asks hurriedly. 

Stiles shrugs his shoulders. "Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties."

Scott's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"

I smirk at him and answer before Stiles can. "That's the best part apparently, they only found half," I say as I walk over to them both. 

Scott looks between me and Stiles, gaping. 

Stiles nods his head with his lips pressed together into a smirk. "We're going."

hey guys! that was the first chapter of before the void! so as you all know, Isaac doesn't have any screentime in season 1, but the first interaction between Malena and Isaac won't happen till around the same time episode 5-7. 

hope you liked it!

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