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Allison and I walk out of French class laughing at what happened in the past hour. 

"Oh my god, her face when you swore in French," I say in between a choked laugh. 

"She overreacted, there are way worse words than chienne," Allison says with a smile on her face. 

"Honestly, how do the words just roll off your tongue?" I ask shaking my head as we make our way toward the lockers. 

She smiles as she takes a step in front of me with a shrug. "Natural talent." 

I shake my head smiling as I open my locker. I grab out my books and see that Allison has frozen in place.  

"Allison, what's wrong?" I ask as I step back and look at her locker. 

Nothing seems to be out of place, her books seem undisturbed and there's a jacket hanging off the hook. 

"That jacket..." She trails off. "I left that in Derek's car when he took me back from the party."  

"Derek Hale?" I ask, pretending I didn't know already. 

She nods as she grabs it off the hook and runs her hands over it confused. The bell rings and she jumps, placing a hand over her heart. She shakes her head. "I'm going to go find Lydia, you coming?" She asks and I'm about to say yes when I see Scott and Stiles having an in-depth conversation.

"Ah, sorry but I can see Stiles and Scott causing a mess I'll have to tidy up." I say pointing toward the two and she laughs, "I'll see you later Allison." 

"Bye." She says as she turns the other way. 

I begin to walk over to Scott and Stiles and I can just overhear their conversation.

"...what they're saying," Stiles hisses and I roll my eyes. Of course, they're spying on someone. 

As I get closer I see that they're looking at Stiles's dad who is talking to the principal with his deputy. 

"What are you two do-"I start but Scott cuts me off. 

"Shush!" He hisses and I look at Stiles, taken aback. 

Scott looks at the trio standing atop the stairs. A look of concentration crosses his face. He sighs as he turns back to us. "Curfew because of the body." 

"What? That sucks ass." I mutter and Stiles smacks my arm, as though to agree with me. 

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed that girl is just hanging out, doing whatever the fuck he wants." He says and I nod. 

"Well, we can't tell your dad the truth about Derek. So this is the best it can get." I say and Scott nods. 

"I can do something," Stiles says and I look at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"Like what?" Scott asks sceptically. 

"Like find the other half of the body." He says with a grin. 

"Fuck off," I mutter. "Not again."

Scott scoffs. "Are you fucking kidding?" Scott asks and I nod.

"Didn't we learn that looking for bodies leads to problems?" I ask and I look at Scott 

But he's distracted, making goo-goo eyes at Allison, who's standing with Lydia and a boy from the lacrosse team I don't recognize. 

"For fucks sake," I say with a shake of my head and Stiles rolls his eyes. "Do we wait for lover boy or should we leave the two to make out in a closet?" 

"Let's wait, see what he's so pissed off about," Stiles says gesturing to Scott's face. 

Scott begins to storm toward Allison and I drag Stiles but his sleeve to follow him. 

He stops just in front of her. "So, Lydia's introducing you to everyone?" He asks and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 

Allison smiled and she had no idea what Lydia had truly meant by introducing her to the eligible lacrosse players.  

"She's being so unbelievably nice to me." She says and I nod.

"That's the Lydia we know and love," I say grinning to cut off Scott's 'I wonder why,' mutter. 

"I think she knows how much being the new girl can suck," Allison says, rising to Lydia's defence immediately. 

"Yea, she's never been a new girl but I think she's bullied a few before," Scott says and I elbow him in the stomach as I smile apologetically at Allison. 

"He's joking." Stiles tries to assure Allison and she smiles, unsure how to respond. 

Scott's looking down at Allison's jacket, the one that she had pulled out of her locker with me several hours earlier.  

 She shrugs as she looks down at it. "My jacket? It was in my locker. I think Lydia brought it back from the party, she has my combination-"

Scott cuts her off, much to my surprise and Stiles's too. "Did she say she brought it back or did somebody give her the jacket?" He demands in a tone that is both urgent and demanding. 

I look at Stiles who is also freaked out by Scott's tone. 

Allison looks at the three of us confused. "Like who?"

"Like Derek?" He asks, again with a demanding tone. "Uh, Scott buddy-"I start but Allison cuts me off. "Your friend?"She asks with a frown of confusion plastered on her face. "He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?" He demands again. "Mm, not much at all," Allison says with an awkward smile as she looks at me and Stiles with a what the hell is going on look. "What did you say?" He demands and I grab Scott's arm and pull him away from Allison, solely because he's gotten in her face and she looks extremely uncomfortable. 

She looks at me thankfully and then gives Scott a nervous smile. "I gotta get to class," She says and I look at Stiles who is still quietly examining Scott with a funny expression. 

"Okay, see you later Allison! Have a great da-" I start, dragging Scott away.

"Allison!" Scott says urgently. 

"No, I really have to go." She says finally and I smile weakly at her as she turns away from us. 

Once she's out of earshot I turn to the fuming Scott and wack him across the head. "What." I smack him again. "The." Again, "hell," I smack him harder. "Was that?" I demand. 

"Ow! What the fuck?" He shouts and I smack him again. 

"Scott man, you gotta calm down before you lose your girlfriend. The only real one you've ever had, might I add." Stiles said and I nod. 

"You don't get it!" He shouts and I take a step back, into Stiles. "You don't fucking get it!"

"Scott..." I whisper, but it's no use. 

"Just fuck off. Both of you, I don't need your help." Scott says before storming away from Stiles and I. 

"Fucking hell he has his knickers in a twist," I mutter turning to Stiles. 

He shakes his head, "I have no idea, but he needs to stop taking it out on us." 

I watch the door slam shut behind Scott. "Agreed." 

so here's my apology for not updating in two months. two updates in two days. I love you all. have a great day xxx

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