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A few days later Scott, Stiles and I decide to hint to Noah about the body buried beside the Hale house. Noah and the other members of the sheriff's office send out their dogs and manage to find the body. 

I'm leaning against Stiles Jeep with Scott as we watch Derek get taken away. Derek turns to glare at us both, and I blush slightly at the prolonged eye contact. 

Scott turns to me with a disgusted look on his face. "I can hear your heartbeat, god that's disgusting." He mutters as he looks back at Derek who is now inside the car. 

I shrug as I clear my throat. "I said it before and I'll say it again, he is fine." 

Scott groans and looks away. 

That's when I notice Stiles sneaking towards the sheriff's car, I tap Scott on the shoulder and he notices Stiles too.

Stiles looks at us and gives us a thumbs up and a wink as I shake my head repeatedly. He turns away from us both and enters the car, shuffling his way into the front seat. 

I sigh as I watch him converse with Derek through the protector gate of metal that separates the back seat from the front. I look over my shoulder and see Noah headed in the direction of the car. 

I run over to him to try and delay him from finding Stiles in the car, Scott follows behind me hastily. 

"Hey, Noah!" I say with a fake smile, blocking the car from his view. 

He raises an eyebrow at both of me and Scott. "Where's my son?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders as I look at Scott. 

I elbow Scott and he coughs. "I think he said something about an um..." He looks at me for help but I'm not making eye contact with him and instead I nudge him again. "A nap! Yea, he was really tired." 

Noah doesn't believe Scott's weak attempts at lies as he rolls his eyes. "I don't even want to know what the three of you are up to, but I have to get passed you. I need to check on the passenger." He goes to push past us and I can do nothing but stutter in protest.

He opens the door and sees Stiles and glowers at both of me and Scott and then pulls Stiles out by his right arm, dragging him away from the car Scott and I follow hastily. 

I hear Stiles utter a string of 'ow' the whole way. 

Noah turns to me and Scott and points to where Stiles is standing. I sigh as I walk over to where Stiles is, Scott standing beside me begrudgingly.

" What the hell do you three think you're doing?" Noah demands. 

I look down at my feet while Stiles scoffs like his dad should be thankful for what he just did. 

"Just trying to help?" I ask uncertainly. 

Noah looks at the there of us before turning to his son. "Now I realise that Malena and Scott didn't even have anything t do wit6h things, did they?" Noah asks looking at us briefly. I let out a nervous laugh. 

Noah sighs. "What the hell were you ding Stiles?" Noah demands. 

"I'm just trying to help!" Stile says defensively. 

Noah looks furious. "Okay, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came upon this?" 

Stiles looks at me expectantly and I shrug. He was getting himself out of this one. 

He hesitates. "We were looking for Scott's inhaler." 

Noah looks at Scott confused and I see Scott shaking his head. "Which he dropped when?" Noah asks impatiently. 

Stiles hesitates again before clearing his throat.  "The other night..."

I turn to Stiles realising he has officially fucked up. 

Noah connects the dots at the same time I do. "The other night. When you were out here, looking for the first half of the body?"

I see Stiles nod and I sigh, we were in the shit now.

"Yes! The other night." Stiles says and I see Scott groan. 

"The night that you told me you and Malena were alone and Scott was at home?" Noah asks. 

"Yes!" Stile says and then looks at me as he realises he just outed himself. I watch him cringe as he tries again. "No?" 

Noah gives Stiles a hard look and Stiles shakes his head in defeat. "Oh, crap." He mutters and sends an apologetic look to Scott. 

Now Noah turns to both me and Stiles. "So you two lied to me." 

I swallow loudly. "Uh," I start but Stiles cuts me off. 

"That depends on how you define 'lying'," Stiles says hesitantly. 

I glare at him, what the fuck was he on about?

Noah raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Well, I define it as 'not telling the truth.' How do you define it?" 

"Um... 'reclining your body in a horizontal position'?" Stiles says and I watch Noah become even more irritated. 

"Get out of here you three," Noah says and he gestures to Stiles Jeep. 

"Absolutely!" I say, dragging both Scott ad Stiles by the arm. 

When we make it to the jeep I slap Stiles across his head. 

"Ow!" He mutters and I glare at him. 

"Got anything else you want to tell your dad? Like maybe, I don't know, that Scott wasn't with us because he's a freaking werewolf!" I say and Scott yanks my arm. 

"Keep your voice down!" Scott hisses looking around to see if anyone heard. 

I shrug Scott's hand off and continue glaring at Stiles. "You are worthless at talking your way out of things. Next time, just let Derek go." 

I open the door of Stiles Jeep and claim the backseat before Scott can. 

I hear Scott and Stiles mumble something else to each other before they clamber into the car as well. 

Stiles gets in the car and turns back to look at me. "Don't worry, my dad won't expect anything. Besides, if we told him Scott was a werewolf he wouldn't believe us anyway."

I roll my eyes but don't say anything else. Scott smiles at me gratefully through the window before also getting into the jeep. 

"I swear, I'm the only voice of reason between the three of us," I mutter and I hear Scott and Stiles laugh. 

"You're probably right," Stiles says smiling at me through the rearview mirror. 

again, so sorry its taken me so long. I will try and update more frequently now that im on summer break!

Merry early Christmas and Happy Hanukah to those who celebrate either!

love yall heaps xx

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