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"So?" I scream towards the back seat. "Did you remember? Did it work?" 

Scott stirs. "Yeah, I think so." He says. 

Stiles rolls his eyes. "Scott. If you do not tell me that you remembered something while I'm putting my dad's ass, not to mention my own on the line I swear to god!" He screams and he's cut off by a shout from Scott. 

"Okay! Yes! I did remember something, Jesus Christ calm down!" He yells and I laugh. 

"More details, please. I'm sick of you two arguing and I need to concentrate on something other than the fucking police behind us!" I screech and Scott grumbles and so does Stiles. 

"Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood? A lot of it was mine." Scott says. 

Stiles and I lock eyes as we both widen them. "What?" I demand.

Stiles looks in the rearview mirror at Scott who is still waking up. "So, you did attack him?" He asks and Scott shakes his head. 

"No! I think I saw- I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine-" He starts and I sigh. 

"That must've been when you flashed your eyes at us," I say and Stiles reaches for my hand and I move it to scratch my ear. 

He looks at me, but I look out the window to ignore him. 

"It might've been Derek." I offer to the conversation.

"It was," Scott says. 

I run a hand through my hair and shake my head. "What about the driver?" Stiles asks, still quiet. 

"I think I was actually trying to protect him..." He says trailing off. 

"Wait- why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Stiles asks and I look at him, but his gaze is fixed on the road and I know I've made him mad. 

Scott shakes his head and doesn't know how to answer. "That's what I don't get." He murmurs under his breath. I notice his tone has gotten much softer and his pissy attitude has changed since he's realised he's not the killer. 

"It's got to be a pack thing," Stiles says and I groan. 

"Not this again, Sti-" I start and he holds up his hand to stop me. 

I roll my eyes and sit back in the chair, slouching further down in the chair. 

"What do you mean?" Scott asks, leaning forward. "Again?" 

"Like an initiation," Stiles says, ignoring the second comment. "You do the kill together." He says. 

Scott chortles. "Becaues ripping someone's fucking throat out is a real bonding experience." 

"Yeah, but you didn't do it! Which means you're not a killer! And also means that-!" I start, turning to look at Scott. 

"I can go out with Allison!" He says and lets out a whoop of excitement. 

I roll my eyes and look at Stiles who scoffs. "I think she meant that you aren't going to kill us, Scotty, but sure. You can date Allison." He says mocking the whoop and I crack a smile and he looks at me with desire in his eyes. 

I cough awkwardly and look away again. 

I'm really going to have to address that issue. 

Allison and Lydia have both invited me to the Argent's house to get ready. I've already decided on what I'm wearing as we're just going bowling and it's not that hard to get ready for a date I'm not trying for. 

before the void - isaac lahey ⁰˙⁵Where stories live. Discover now