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late to another update, I am aware. I'm so sorry loves, enjoy xx

I look at Scott and let out a snort of laughter. "Har har McCall. Drop the act, you have lacrosse training now." I say with a grin on my face Stiles looks at Scott with a concerned expression.

 "Malley, I don't think he was joking." He murmurs under his breath and Scott still hasn't acknowledged either me or Stiles. 

"Scott," I say trying to get his attention but I get no response. "Scott!" I hiss and his head snaps up to look at me. I pause as I study his face. "Oh shit you weren't joking," I mutter and Scott shakes his head in disbelief. 

"How is this happening? How is this happening to me? Two weeks ago Allison wouldn't have even looked twice at me, I had no redeeming qualities at all. Now we're going on a date and her dad's hunting me." He lets out a groan as he shakes his head. 

"Hey, listen to me all right? He didn't recognise you, did he?" Stiles asks and Scott takes a moment to think. 

"No. No, I don't think so." He says after a few minutes. 

"That's good Scotty!" I say patting Scott on the back and he sends me a fuck off look and I remove my hand. 

"Does she know about him?" Stiles asks patiently.

Scott's eyes widen and he looks even more terrified than before. "Oh fuck! I don't know. What if she does? They'll kill me. Fuck!" He rambles and I put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Okay, you have lacrosse now. So go focus on that, I'll talk to Allison." I say and Scott lets out a long breath. 

"Here, Scott. Take this." Stiles says and passes Scott his lacrosse gear bag. "Take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?" Stiles looks at me for a second and I shrug my shoulders. 

"Lacrosse," Scott murmurs nodding his head as Stiles opens the passenger door and throws me the keys with a glower. 

"Do not move the jeep." He says slowly and I roll my eyes. 

"Whatever you say Sti, just get your asses to practise before coach makes you run more suicides than you're capable of," I say as I make a shooing motion to him and he flips me off. 

"Come on Scotty," Stiles says patting Scott's shoulder as he drags him out of the car. 

I watch them enter the building and see Stiles tripping over his own feet twice before they reach the front door. I let out an amused snort as I pull out my phone and put my headphones in and close my eyes as I listen to Taylor Swift.

I'm awoken by my phone chiming and I swear as I knock the phone to the ground. "Fuck!" I hiss as I look around my feet for the phone. I pick it up and see Lydia's calling me. 

"Hey, what's up?" I ask and yawn after I utter the words. 

"Malena James! Fucking finally, you boy toys were asking for you when they ran off the field." Lydia says in what sounds like a bored tone. 

I sit up suddenly. "Ran off the field- I don't follow Lydia," I say my voice straining as I grab Stiles's keys and jump out of the jeep and slam the door behind me and lock the car. 

"Scott was having like a massive freakout. A panic attack, maybe a seizure. I don't know, Stiles shouted at me to call you so I did." Lydia says and I'm pretty much running at this point. 

"Where'd they go?" I ask trying not to sound desperate and when Lydia doesn't respond I ask again. "Lydia! Where the fuck did they go?" I demand. 

"Jesus calm down, the locker room? I'm not sure. You better tell me if you lot are having some sort of threesome. Allison will be fucked off but-" Lydia starts but I hang up on her cutting her off as I run towards the locker rooms. 

I hear clambering inside and I prey quickly that there are no naked people behind the door as I burst in. 

Scott is kneeling next to the sink and Stiles is standing next to him. 

Stiles turns to me in panic, thinking I'm another player from the team but when he sees it's me he sighs in relief. "Finally! He's wolfing out!" Stiles says and I run over to Scott and crouch down in front of him. 

"Scotty?" I ask softly. "Hey, Scott. You alright?" I ask again and this time Scott looks up at me and his eyes change to a bright gold before flashing back to his normal brown. 

"Get away from me!" He roars and I fall backwards onto Stiles's legs and Stiles grabs my hand to help me up. 

I keep my hand in Stiles's as Scott begins to stalk towards us still crouched on the floor. "I think we should give him some space," I muttered over my shoulder. 

I hear Stiles scoff. "You think?" He asks and as Scott begins to get closer I run behind a row of lockers dragging Stiles with me, but then Scott is on top of the fucking lockers and I shake my head in disbelief. 

Scott tilts his head as he glares at me and Stiles with his golden eyes. He tracks us with his eyes as Stiles, who was too busy watching Scott see where he was going, nearly falls over but I haul him back up. 

He then proceeds to pull himself up onto the heating vents that are around the ceiling and uses them to help himself keep an eye on us. Stiles stands petrified looking at our best friend as I scan the room as look for an escape. I notice the fire extinguisher and I let out a sigh of relief as I move towards the wall and wait until Scott is about to jump at Stiles I spray it into my friend's face. Scott stumbles back disoriented but I don't let go of the extinguisher, even when I'm standing above Scott and Stiles is grasping my hand again. 

Scott takes off his lacrosse helmet as he looks at us both. 

"Stiles? Malena? What-" He cuts himself off. 

I let out a sigh and Stiles's grip on my hand eases a bit. "Yup."

"What happened?" He asks weakly.  

I shake my head as I let out a shaky breath as Stiles lets out a sigh. I drop the fire extinguisher and sit down on one of the benches and Stiles sits down next to me, looking equally as exhausted as I feel. 

He almost rips his lacrosse gloves off as he throws them to the floor with a glower at Scott. "You tried to kill us." He snaps and I nudge him telling him to take it easy. 

Scott looks down with a guilty expression and I stand up and crouch down next to him as I look into Scott's eyes and see no hint of gold anymore. "It's like I told you before. It's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger." I say and Stiles murmurs in agreement from behind me. 

Scott lets out an exhausted laugh. " But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game if you hadn't noticed." He says in what I think is a sarcastic manner, but he hasn't seemed to have caught onto the real issue.

"Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field." Stiles snaps from behind me and I nod in agreement. 

"Scott, you can't-" I sigh as I try to put together the words I need to say. "You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game." I say weakly and Scott's head flicks up. 

"I'm first line-" He starts trying to protest and I shake my head. 

"Not anymore Scotty," I say with an apologetic look. 

I'm so sorry. I haven't updated in ages! the school has been so stressful atm but I have winter holidays in a few weeks, so I might be able to write then? can't make any promises sorry xx

thanks for almost 1k on this book!!!

ily all so much <3

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