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I'm sitting with Stiles in his jeep as we drive to Scott's house, apparently, he had found something and now felt that need to share it with us, regardless of the fact he'd been a dick the past few days.

"What'd you reckon it is?" I ask with a yawn.

"Probably something stupid, but I've had too much Adderall today to care." Stiles says with a grin.

I shake my head as I look at him. "It could be something completely useless. You know that right?" I ask and Stiles nods.

"But I've got high hopes," As he says this he begins to speed up as we make the final turn into Scott's street.

I hold onto my seatbelt with a deathly tight grip as the jeep tires to to screech around the corner. "Jesus fucking christ!" I yell and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Don't like how I drive, get your license." He says and I shake my head.

"Excuse you, but I am weeks away from getting my full, so I don't have to sit in the passenger seat while you drive like a maniac," I say and I hear Stiles scoff as we pull up to Scott's.

"A manic is an over dramatic term, I like to get places at appropriate times." He says and now I scoff.

"Even if it involves breaking the law." I finish and he glowers at me.

He stops the car and goes to say something more but I open the door and slam it behind me before he has the chance.

I run up to Scott's house and use the key Melissa had given me years ago to let myself in, Stiles trailing behind me.

He pushes past me up the stairs and I shove him lightly as he passed.

Stiles bursts into Scott's room before I can stop him. "What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?" He asks, the words tumbling from his mouth.

I follow him in and see Scott sitting on his bed restringing his lacrosse net, unusually calm.

Scott looks at Stiles with a curious expression.

Stiles blinks at him rapidly. "Yes, I've had a lot of Adderall."

Scott rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he looks at me for a small second and I smile. 

"I found something at Derek Hale's," Scott says and he continues threading his net.

I let out a gasp, and so does Stiles.

"Are you kidding? What?" He demands. 

Scott sighs lightly. "There's something buried out there. I could smell blood."

"Like, real human blood?" I ask and Scott raises an eyebrow as Stiles elbows me in the stomach with a grin. 

"That's awesome!" Stiles says with a scoff. I glare at him and proceed to reconsider his words. "Oh, er, that's terrible." 

"Whose blood?" I ask before Stiles keeps running his mouth. 

Scott stands up ao he can look at us both with a sigh. "I don't know... But, when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing because there's no way," He said as he up his lacrosse stick for emphasis before tossing it on his bed. "I'm not playing that game."

I look at Stiles and shake my head slightly. "Well, then we'll do whatever we have to do to make sure you're on that field Scott," I say and he grins at me.

We get to the hospital and Scott leads the way towards the morgue. 

before the void - isaac lahey ⁰˙⁵Where stories live. Discover now