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By the time we reach the Hale House ruins it's nighttime. I'm huddled up next to Stiles, with my hands over his heaters. Freezing my fucking ass off for his stupid plan.

"Why the fuck are we doing this again?" I whisper.

Stiles shushes me and doesn't look in my direction.

I turn to Scott who shrugs. "We need proof."

Stiles turns to me hurriedly and pushes my head under the bottom of the glove box while throwing his own body on the floor under the steering wheel.

I glower at him. "Are you on fucking drugs? What the fuck!" I yell but he slams a hand over my mouth before I can say anything else while holding up a single finger to his lips in a 'shh' manner.

I slap my hand over his and slowly peak over the front of the glove box and see Derek leaving his house, and getting into his car. I drop to the floor again and nod slowly, telling Stiles that I get it and he removes his hand from my mouth.

Once Derek has pulled away, we wait a few minutes before driving Stiles's jeep closer to the ruins of the Hale House.

He puts the car in park and gets out, gesturing for both me and Scott to join him.

I look at Scott and he seems to be regretting the idea slightly, but he still follows Stiles outside. So I do the same.

Stiles tosses me a flashlight and a shovel before giving one to Scott too.

I look down at the shovel. "How long has this been in your boot?" I look up at him before realising he has three sets of the same equipment. "And why do you have three of them?"

Stiles smiles at me. "Prior preparation prevents piss-poor performance, I know my p's"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "My dad taught you that saying didn't he?"

Stiles winks at me and I roll my eyes, before realising that Scott has stopped ahead of us.

"Wait," He pauses and I turn to Stiles, nervously. "Something's different."

I stiffen. "Different how Scotty?"

Scott looks up at me unsure. "I don't know..." He says trailing off.

But we keep walking until we reach what looks like a fresh pile of dirt, so I assume it is the gravesite of the other half of the body.

I look down at the mass of dirt and try not to picture what lies beneath. "Let's just get this over with, please. I have a good book and a cup of coffee waiting for me at home." 

Stiles looks at me with a 'read the room look' shutting me up fairly quickly.

We work in silence for a few minutes, shovelling the dirt and throwing it behind us into a neat pile that will be easy to push back over the grave if necessary. 

The three of us continue to work before Scott lets how a huff and wipes his brow with his sleeve before turning to me and Stiles who haven't stopped. 

"This is taking way too long," He says and Stiles rolls his eyes as I sigh. 

"Just keep digging Scott," I say and shovel another inch of dirt. 

"What if he comes back?" Scott asks exasperatedly and it's my turn to roll my eyes as Stiles shrugs. 

"Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles says confidently and I look at him confused. 

" What if he catches us?" Scott asks, expressing my concerns. 

Stiles smirks at us. "I have a plan for that." 

I raise an eyebrow, not liking where this is going. If Stiles thought of the plan, it's normally not a very well thorough plan. "Which is?" I ask. 

before the void - isaac lahey ⁰˙⁵Where stories live. Discover now