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I laugh and Stiles mutters darkly. Melissa stops again to look at us all. "And, by the way, do either of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?"

I smile as both of the boys look at each other and shake their heads simultaneously. "No."

Melissa rolls her eyes and looks at me. "And you, surely you've got some sense?"

I smile wider. "You know me, can't say no to these two," I say with a wink and she smiles at that.

"You should fix that, that could become a bad habit sweetie." She says as she walks down the hall to her room. The boys are engaged in their conversation before I can respond.

"Yeah, I know," I murmur and I can't help but smile.

I notice that the conversation between Stiles and Scott has gone quiet. I turn to look at them and they both look grim.

"What?" I ask and Stiels griamces.

He coughs. "My dad left for the hospital fifteen minutes ago. It's the bus driver." He says.

I raise a confused eyebrow. "They said 'he succumbed to his wounds', um," Stiles says and when I gasp Scott looks confused.

"What does that mean?" He asks.

Even though I didn't know him that well I began to tear up. "He's dead."

Stiles and I stay waiting in the car for Scott as he goes into the house.

The silence is deafening. "So," he says coughing. "Lahey, huh?" He asks and I scoff.

"What about it?" I say and he shrugs. This is the second awkward conversation we've had in the past decade of friendship and both have taken place in the last three hours.

"I don't know he doesn't seem good for you." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Right, and why is that?" I snip.

Stiles still doesn't meet my eyes. "Well, for one he always comes to school with bruises. He's probably in some fight club and obviously, he sucks 'cause no one who wins is ever that battered and bruised."

I feel the need to defend him after what Nosh told me this morning but Stiles cuts me off.

"And for two, he seems like a-a pompous dickface." Stiles says, tripping over his words slightly.

I laugh at that. "Says you! You are the most pompous person I've ever met."

Stiles looks at me for the first time since we started this conversation and glowers at me. "Shut up." He murmurs.

"Besides, Isaac is just my friend. He needs someone to support him right now, and I'm the only one who bothers to talk to him." I murmur looking out the window and turning on the radio.

I watch Stile's reflection in the glass and he opens his mouth to say something but stops himself twice before turning to look out his own. And we stay in silence waiting for Scott to come back.

Scott climbs back into the jeep half an hour later fuming. "That fuckwit!" He roars and I watch as his eyes flash for a second and I resist the urge to flinch away.

Stiles notices my reaction and taps my leg lightly in comfort. "What's wrong Scott?" Stiles asks his voice trembling.

"He's so confusing! Apparently, Derek isn't the one who turned me. It was some other Alpa who is equally as determined to ruin my life!" He yells and I force myself to swallow my fear and look at Scott.

"Try elaborating Scotty," I murmur softly.

Scott sits back in his seat like a boy who has been scorned. "After he tried to rip my face open he proceeded to tell me that it wasn't him who turned me and he didn't kill a single one of the two suspicious bodies that have shown up. Including, his sister." Scott lets out another huff and crosses his arms across his chest. "And he said that the whole fucking reason this jerkoff has been killing people, the other Alpha, has been looking for me the entire time."

Stiles and I share a look and I resist the urge to purse my lips. "Okay, so where do we go from here?" I ask.

Scott's head snaps up and he glowers at me. "There is no we Malena. This bastard wants me to join the pac he seems to be creating and I'm not going to do it."

I'm still confused by what he's saying and I can tell Stiles is too, because he opens his mouth clearly to ask a question but before anything can be said Scott yells in frustration again.

"Why does this stuff always happen to me? Haven't I dealt with enough? Can't someone else take this shit for a while?" He says in frustration.

I look at Stiles and we both share a grim look before pulling out from the driveway.

Later when I am dropped back at home by Stiles and a still fuming Scott I clamber back up to my window and lock it behind me. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I pull it out to check.

You have (1) new message from 'unknown number'

Hey Malena it's Isaac. I got your number from Allison. I just wanted to say thank you for having me over for dinner. It meant a lot. I 1:23 am

I smile as I read over the text, getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach but shaking away the thought.

You're welcome here anytime Isaac, I mean that aswell. I'll see you on Monday in Science. I 1:23 am

I watch as the text is marked as sent and smile to myself as I add his number to my contacts, biting my lip to stop my growing grin. 

As I climb into bed the last thing I catch myself thinking of is the precise colour of Isaac's eyes when he looked up at me at dinner before I drift off to bed. That night I find myself dreaming of him too, and when I awake he's still on my mind. 

After all, friends think of each other quite a lot. Right?

kinda short but more Isaac x malena content!!!

love yall and sorry for slow updates. are we falling will be up tmrw or the next day xx

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