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The next morning I get a ride with Stiles to school. Before I left I made sure to send Scott a text asking if he wanted a ride but he didn't respond. 

"So, did you get a beating from your dad too?" I ask as I climb out of Stiles jeep. 

He lets out a snort of laughter. "Yup. And the whole 'i'm so disappointed in you' monologue, for about an hour." 

"Jeez and hour? My parents went on for 20 minutes and then gave up." I say with a smile. 

Stiles rolls his eyes as we walk up the front steps and I see Scott standing there. 

"20 bucks say he imagined the whole bite thing," I say under my breath and Stiles winks at me. 

"You're on." He smiles at me and I run over to Scott. 

"Okay, let's see this thing," Stiles says with a smirk and Scott lifts up his shirt to reveal a pretty decent sized amount of gauze and tape and through the tape, you can see blood seeping through. 

I let out a small groan as Stiles winks at me. "That's something alright," Stiles says as he turns back to the injury. 

"Yeah..." Scott says shaking his head at us both. 

Stiles leans forward to poke the bandage and I slap his hand but not before Scott flinches in pain. "Awesome." He says under his breath and I smack his head as Scott pulls his shirt down. 

We turn around and continue our walk towards the school. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

Stiles turns to Scott in disbeilf. "A wolf bit you?" He asks his tone sounding sarcastic.

"Uh-huh," Scott says absentmindedly. 

Stiles shakes his head at Scott as though he's being stupid.

"No, not a chance," Stiles says and I furrow my eyebrows. 

"I heard a wolf howling last night when I was trying to sleep," I say and Stiles rolls his eyes at me. 

"I heard one last night as well," Scott says defensively and I nod my head in agreement.

"No, you didn't," Stiles says in a know-it-all tone, I glare at him

"What do you mean, "No, I didn't?" How do you know what we heard?" Scott asks frustrated. 

"Because California doesn't have wolves okay? Not in like sixty-something years." Stile says as he turns back to the steps. 

I look at Stiles and try to mask my surprise. I was sure I'd heard wolves last night, almost 100% sure but if Stiles hadn't heard it maybe I was imagining everything. 

"Really?" Scott asks and I look at him and he seems surprised by the news too.

"Yes really. There are no wolves in California." Stiles says with a sigh. 

"All right," Scott says defeated. "Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me when I tell you I found the body." Scott says and I turn to and let out a gasp. 

"Neat!" I say smiling and Stiles looks at him with a gleeful expression. 

"You-are you kidding me?" He asked smiling and a big smile. 

"No, fuck I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a freaking month." Scott says under his breath.

"Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-" Stiles cuts off as Lydia Martin walks up the steps of the school. She sends me a little wave and I smile warmly back at her, Lydia and I had been friends since we were in middle school and we were still friends now, she'd offered me many times to come and hang out with her group of friends but I often refused because of her jackass boyfriend who was a dick to everyone, including her. She also happened to be the object of Stiles's affection."-Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look-" Lydia walks past Stiles ignoring him completely and I let out a snort of laughter. "Like you're gonna ignore me..." He says trailing off. 

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