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After some time Stiles calmed down and we leave the bathroom, hand and hand as we walk back to the lane Lydia had booked. 

Jackson looks over his shoulder and scoffs. "You finished quick, Stilinski." He sneers and pulls his hair, hard as we walk past. He lets out a hiss as he glowers at me. 

"It's your turn, Stiles," Allison says kindly. 

Stiles nods, before moving forward to bowl straight down the lane, but he turns around before he can see the perfect strike. I let out a laugh and he turned around quickly, a smiling grin on his face as he walked over to me and I gave him a high five. 

"Nice one!" I say and he smiles. 

"Okay, Scott you're next," Lydia says and Jackson scoffs. 

"You've got this! Just...just aim for the middle." Allison offers and Jackson snickers. 

"How about you aim for anything except for the gutter?" Jackson says and I look at Lydia who has been ridiculously quiet the entire time her boyfriend has been taking cheap shots at everyone. She nods her head in agreement and I roll my eyes. 

"Shut the fuck up, Jackson." I sneer and he rolls his eyes as he slumps back in his seat.

It's a little less clumsy than the first, and the ball stays in the middle of the lane for most of the length until it finally rolls into the gutter again. Jackson once again dissolves into raucous laughter.

"Great job, McCall! Man, you are a pro." Jackson says and I stand up to slap him but Stiles grabs my hand and pulls me down with an ashake of his head. 

Allison remains supportive of Scott, continually and I smile. She's going to be good for him. 

It's finally my turn to bowl and I look up at the scores. Stiles and I are leading at the moment from the single strike he got us. I smirk as I bowl the ball perfectly as my dad taught me. It's a strike again. 

I jump up and down and Stiles lets out a whoop. He holds out his arms and I run into them, I pull back and he offers me a high five. 

Scott coughs loudly and I spin around and he wiggles his eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes. Your turn  I mouth and I watch him slump forward at the prospect. 

"Scott, you're just thinking too much," Allison says and Scott nods sheepishly. 

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm ruining this." I hear Scott say and I feel my heart pang. Poor Scotty. 

Allison helps Scott up and they move to the bowling lane. She whispers something in his ear and I watch as the back of Scott's neck goes bright red. I laugh at her expression as she walks back. 

Scott surprisingly managed to send the ball straight down the middle at a surprising speed for someone who has been struggling to get past the gutter. 

Stiles and I look at each other and he grumbles. "Cheat." He mutters and I smile. 

My phone starts going off in my pocket and I excuse myself to answer it. 

"Hello?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down as I make my way to the exit. 

"Hey sweetie, it's Dad. I know you're busy at the moment but some boy came over and is asking for you. Isiah, I think his name was." My dad says and the breath is knocked from me. "Honey! What's that boy's name again?" He shouts. 

"Isaac! Dean, he's standing right there!" I hear her yell back. 

"Um," I say coughing, as I look over my shoulder to Stiles who is watching me intently. "Give him my phone number, it's about a school project. Stiles needs my help right now..." I say turning away from Stiles. "It's the anniversary of Claudia's death," I whisper. 

"Ah. I see," My dad says. "I'll invite Noah and Stiles over for dinner, you're a good friend to him sweetheart. Should I ask Isaac to stay also?" My dad asks and I groan. 

"Sure, Dad. Whatever you think. But, Stiles and Isaac don't know each other at all...so maybe not?" I suggest, my dad is silent and I can tell he knows what I mean. 

"Okay. Well, I'll see you when you get home. I'll send you a text if Noah says yes and then you'll just catch a ride home with Stiles. And also, what's this that this young man is telling me about a curfew in town?" My dad asks and I laugh. 

"Okay! Bye, dad. Love you." I say hanging up on him quickly before I get into trouble. 

I turn back to the game and shake my head. No one has noticed that I slipped away aside from Stiles who raises an eyebrow in question. I wave my hand, letting him know I'll talk to him about it later. 

"That is seriously amazing!" Allison says as I walk back over, sending a pointed look at Jackson who is positively seething. "Jackson? How many strikes is that?" She asks and I laugh as I sit down next to Stiles again, leaning back into the seat. 

"It's six..." He says begrudgingly, obviously jealous. "In a row." 

Scott shrugs as he looks at me and Sitles sending us a quick flash of his gold eyes. I had been taking a sip of my Coke and almost choked on it at the sight. "Something just clicked, I guess," Scott says.

Allison shrugs. "Maybe it's natural talent." She says encouragingly. 

I turn to Stiles, so my mouth is just below his ear. "Or maybe someone a natural cheater," I say, laughing as I pull back and Stiles sends me a private smile as I go up to bowl next. 

I manage to bowl a spare before walking back and watching as Lydia tries to flirt with Scott. Scott is so infatuated with Allison that he doesn't even notice her attempt to make a move. 

Jackson tries to help Lydia and she pushes him away as she walks past me to bowl. I turn around, walking backwards for the rest of the short commute to watch as she lands a perfect strike, with perfect form. 

I knew she was playing it down for Jackson. Again

I turn to Lydia as she sits down. "Maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for this benefit." I say, smiling and Allison nods in agreement. 

Lydia rolls her eyes, with a small smile. "Oh trust  me, I do plenty of sucking just for this benefit." She retorts and I snot as Allison's eyes widen. 

Jackson must've overheard the conversation because he storms off, marking the end of the award group 'hangout'.

Stiles stands up, stretching out his back and offers me a hand to help me up and I take it graciously. 

"Thank you, kind sir," I say with a mock British accent. 

Stiles bows deeply. "Of course malady." He says and I snort. 

"Nerd," I say as I don't let go of my hand and he smiles as we walk over to the door. "Lyds!" I call over my shoulder and she looks up at me. "We're going to head out, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I call and she waves a hand dismissively. 

Scott looks up and I wink at him and he rolls his eyes and Allison sends us a friendly wave. 

When we walk out the door, I turn towards Stiles's car. "Dad's invited you and Noah over for dinner, he has something planned. Barbecue I think." I explain and Stiles stops walking, releasing my hand. 

"Malley." He warns, knowing I'm up to something and I sigh. 

"Okay! Fine. I told him about it being the anniversary and he wanted to do something nice. It's my dad we're talking about here." I say and Stiles smiles at me, before unlocking his car and opening the passenger door for me as I slide in. 

"Thank you, Malena. Really." He says quietly and I can tell he means it. 

I grin at him. "Anytime, Sti." 

okay at this point you're all probably like 'wtf malena this is supposed to be an Isaac fanfic' and i promise it is. i just need to add drama 🤭🤭

ily all sm! questions, queries, concerns>>>>

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