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"You're a terrible bowler!" I hiss as we walk down the hall. 

Scott groans, agreeing with me. 

"I know! I'm such an idiot." He says and he shakes his head.

"That was like watching a dumpster fire, and we have to go?" Stiles asks and I pull a sour face at the thought. 

"We're not even together!" I groan and Stiles's face goes red as he nods in agreement. "And did you hear about the rumour about me and Isaac? What the fuck!" 

"God that was awful. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and then out of nowhere comes that phrase-" Stiles starts and Scott interrupts. 

"Hang out." He says, his tone full of disdain. 

"You don't "hang out" with hot girls," I say and Stiles nods in agreement.

 "It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out." Stiles says and Scott is still shaking his head as he ponders this anxiously, amongst the 400 other things on his mind. 

"How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't." Scott says desperately. 

"I don't think Danny likes me very much..." Stiles says trialling off, I raise an eyebrow. 

I scoff. "No one likes you very much, that's why you only hang out with us," I say and he pokes his tongue out at me. 

Scott continues on his mental spiral. " I asked Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out..." He says and groans. 

"It'll be okay Scotty," I say, trying to console him. 

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles ask. 

I look at him, baffled. "Pardon?"

Stiles shrugs, "You know, do you think I'm attractive to gay guys?" 

I shake my head in disbelief as Scott is still continuing. 

"I make the first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..." He looks at his phone. "Now I'm going to be late for work." 

He walks off rather quickly and Stiles jogs after him. "Wait, Scott, you didn't- am I attractive to gay guys-" He cuts himself off before throwing his arms up. "You didn't answer my question!" He yells after Scott who just raises his hand dismissively. 

I walk up behind him laughing. "You're attractive to me if it helps, Sti," I say, grinning. 

Stiles looks at me funny, his eyes find my lips for more seconds than I'm comfortable with before he licks his own and looks away. 

"Yeah," He says, as he coughs awkwardly. "Thanks, Malley." 

"Let me get this straight. you want us," I say, gesturing to Stiles and myself. "To stand guard whilst you, the one who is a supernatural freaking werewolf go venture into the dark?" I hiss and Scott nods.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the plan. I need you guys to keep watch." Scott says. 

Stiles groans. "Both of us? I'm sure Malena's big enough and ugly enough to stay here on her own and scare anyone off herself." Stiles says. 

I slap him over the back of the head. "Scott you've gotta be joking. That sounds...unsafe." I say. 

"Yeah! And how come we always have to keep watch? It's like we're your backup team!" Stiles hisses. "It's like you're Batman and I'm Robin." 

I roll my eyes. "What does that make me then?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"Raven?" He suggests and I roll my eyes again. 

"No one's Batman, Robin or  Raven!" Scott says, getting annoyed. "Just stay here!" He insists and Stiles and I groan. 

"Oh my god! Fine!" I yell, slamming the door behind me as I climb into the front seat and Scott gets out. 

I let out a huff as Stiles and I slide further down the seat so I have a slumped posture. I watch as Scott jumps the gate. 

Stiles also lets out a sigh. 

"Fuck this is boring," I moan as I go to flick the radio on. The channel starts to play 22 by Taylor Swift and I feel a grin immerse my face as I start to hum along. I feel Stiles watching me but I refuse to look at him after the awkward moment we shared this morning, as I didn't want to make it worse. 

"I don't know about you!" Stiles calls, startling me out of my trance. I look at him and he's grinning ear to ear as he bounces along to the beat. "But I'm feeling 22!" 

I let out a loud laugh as he continued to sing along, it's moments like these where I'm so grateful for Stiles's friendship. He pretends to hold a microphone in his hand and gets closer to my face and I copy his hand as I sing along as well, our faces getting so close I can feel the fan of his breath as he sings. As the last bridge, I turn my body and lean into his chest. 

"We ditched the whole scene! We won't be sleeping!" I exclaim and I notice Stiles has stopped singing. 

His breathing remains fast and heavy, and I can feel his heartbeat in his chest. I feel like I can't move as I lie in his chest, my head tucked under his neck. 

I feel my cheeks heat up as I feel his hand move to rest on my arm. I stay still, unsure what to do. 

I hear Scott yell and I sit up quickly. Stiles and I lock eyes for a small second before both turning away and jumping out of the car to run after Scott. 

"Scotty!" I yell and Stiles jumps the fence before I do, when I reach the top he holds out my arms and I land in them awkwardly, murmuring a quick thank you. 

"Scott!" Stiles calls, still not letting go of my hand as we race forward. 

Scott stands isolated in the middle of the car park, kneeling on the ground. His eyes twitch back and forth and he lets another guttural groan as his eyes flash open and yellow. 

I tighten my grip on Stiles's hand as Scott launches himself at us, before falling to his knees. 

"Scott," I whisper. 

All of a sudden I hear a shout from a loud male on the other side of the car park, followed by a flashlight. 

Scott whimpers from his place on the fall, as his eyes open again. This time a soft brown. "Malley." He murmurs and I look at Stiles concerned. 

"Okay. Let's help him up." I say to Stiles as I wrap one arm under his armpit and Stiles does the same. 

I get a flashback to the way I had to carry Stiles when he was wasted last weekend, and the joke I made the next day about him confessing his love. 

Suddenly it clicks. Stiles had a crush on me. 

I feel my ears heat up as I pretend like nothing has changed I continue to aid Scott back to the jeep. This time, Stiles tries the lock and realises that the chain fence is open. I laugh and he rolls his eyes as he hustles Scott out. 

Then I feel a spotlight on my back, illuminating my figure into a shadow. I let out a squeal of surprise and Stiles laughs as we push Scott into the car. 

"Go, go, go!" Stiles says, laughing as I push the door closed behind Scott. 

I let out a squeal of delight as I slam the door behind me and Stiles drives the three of us off into the night.

sooooooo!! hope you guys like!!!. 

i love stiles x scott x malena. their the cutest friends eveee.

love you all heaps munchkins 

questions, queries, concerns>>>>

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