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The next morning Stiles and I are driving to school and we spot Scott moping down a street in the direction of Stiles's house whilst cradling his arm. 

I let out a sigh as Stiles pulls over to the side of the road and I get out to help Scott into the back seat. "You all right, Scotty?" I ask sympathetically as I toss him Stiles's jacket and I hear Stiles make a weak sound of protest but I ignore him. 

"Yea." He says quietly and I look at him with a pitiful look. "You know what actually worries me the most?" He asks woefully.

"If you say Allison I'm going to punch you in the head," Stiles murmurs under his breath and Scott lets out a small groan. 

"She probably hates me now." He says miserably and I look at Stiles with a smirk. 

"Still want to be hopelessly in love?" I ask with a grin and Stiles gives me a quizzical look before I realise he probably has no recollection of the night before and I turn back to Scott. "She doesn't hate you, Scott, she's probably pissed that you ditched her at a party and some really hot guy, who wasn't her date, had to take her home, but she doesn't hate you," I say and then pause. "Most likely," I add. 

"Ugh. I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or, you know, you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' Werewolf." Stiles says with a playful expression as he looks at Scott in the rearview mirror and he shuts up pretty quickly. 

"Okay, bad idea. Hey, we'll get through this. Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice." Stiles says solemnly and I send him a look. 

"Mice?" I ask, confused. 

Stiles shrugs. "I had a boa once. I could do it." 

I shake my head at him and I hear Scott let out a scoff from the backseat. 

"He's not a boa, Stiles. He's a werewolf. There's a difference." I say as I look at Stiles who shrugs again. 

"He could eat live mice," Stiles says still not looking at me or Scott. 

"How about live Stiles?" Scott says cooly from the backseat and Stiles looks although he's about to make a comment but, he catches my eye and sees my glower and shuts his mouth pretty quickly and the rest of the drive to school is in silence. 

After school, I sit with Stiles in his jeep as we wait for Scott to come up with some awesome comforting boyfriend apology on why he took off early.

"Do you reckon he'll fuck it up?" Stiles asks as his body is leaned over the steering wheel watching Allison and Scott in front of us. 

"Scott? Most likely." I say with a grin as I keep my eyes on the pair and see Scott making a lot of hand gestures. "But he'll make up for it, he always does." 

Stiles is quiet for a second before he turns to me. "So what happened on Friday night?" Stiles asks and I look at him with a grin. 

"Can't remember much?" I tease grinning but getting no reaction from Stiles. "You just confessed your love for me," I say jokingly as I look back at Scott and Allison. 

Stiles doesn't respond and I peak a look at him and see the colour had drained from his face. 

"Okay, obviously I was kidding," I say quickly and Stiles's face is now flushed red. 

"Right, I guessed that." He says quietly and I force a smile as I look back at Scott and Allison. 

"You just got drunk and told me how much you wanted to be in love with someone, whilst I reminded you the whole time that you were in love with Lydia," I say and this time I don't look at him, but I see him nodding out of the corner of my eye. "And you made yourself a real hassle when I was trying to figure out where Scott had gone," I add with a smile and I hear Stiles laugh a little. 

"Well, I apologise for the hassle I was," Stiles says and I grin at him. 

We sit in silence, still watching Scott and Allison and I notice they're both smiling now, signalling they'd most likely made up. 

"Hey, Malena?" Stiles asks. 

"Hm?" I say without looking away from my friends, and I see Scott running back towards the jeep. 

"I have something to tell you-" He starts but he's interrupted by Scott opening the Jeep door. "Nevermind." He adds hastily. 

I smile at him as I turn over my shoulder to Scott. "So?" I demand. 

But that's when I notice that Scott isn't smiling, in fact, he looks fucking petrified. 

"What?" I ask quickly and Scott swallows heavily. 

"Allison's dad is a werewolf hunter." He says weakly. "And we're going on a date." 

that's so short I'm so sorry. 

but that's the end of s1 ep1! 

i hope yall like that, can someone comment on this line here so i know there are people actually reading this? thanks ily xx

questions quarries concerns? ------->

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