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"I don't get why we have to go to this stupid party," I say as Stiles and I arrive at the house that already has underage students holding cups of alcohol as they loiter in the front yard. 

Stiles turns to me with a sigh. "Because we need to make sure Scott doesn't hurt Allison." He looks out the window and smiles a little. "And Lydia will be here." He finishes and I groan as I look at him. 

"She is never going to notice you, you know that right?" I ask as I look in the sun visor and wipe away the flakes of mascara that I had missed with the makeup remover. 

"Let a boy dream," Stiles says stubbornly as he gets out of the car and walks around to my side to open my own. 

"My hero." I tease as I walk past him onto the grass and look up at the house and let out a huff of breath and I hear Stiles lock his car and then walk up next to me. 

"Shall we?" He asks as he holds up an arm for me to take and I slap it away as I begin to walk up the steps to the house. "Ow, Malena!" He calls after me as I knock on the door with a smirk. 

A drink had been pressed into my hand at some point, and I was sitting near the swimming pool with Stiles as people chatted around us. I had an eye on Scott and Allison who were talking near where everyone was dancing. 

"Imagine being in love," Stiles says with a hint of sadness in his voice. 

I tear my gaze from Allison and Scott to look at him. "Arent you in love with Lydia?" I ask confused. 

Keep in mind, that this was the same boy who confessed his love for Lydia daily. 

He holds my gaze for a second longer than I feel comfortable with and sighs as he looks down. "I guess, but love like that." He says as he raises his gaze to Allison and Scott. 

"They meet the other day, Sti. Someone can't fall in love that quickly." I say smiling and Stiles stays quiet. "Wait are you drunk?" I ask realising where the stupid questions were coming from.

"No." He says and he looks a little unsure. "What would a drunk person feel like?"  

I look at him with amusement. "You so are drunk, Jesus christ Stiles we've only been here for 30 minutes!" I hiss at him and he smiles at me. 

"You're funny when you're mad." He says with a stupid grin on his face.

I shake my head as I look back at Allison and Scott and realise that Scott's saying something to Allison and turning away from her in the direction of the house.

"Shit!" I stand up quickly and being to run after him. 

"Wait!" I hear Stiles yells after me but I ignore him as I try to keep an eye on Scott's retreating. 

"Scott!" I call out but he doesn't turn around. "Scott McCall!" I yell out and again he doesn't turn. He just pretty much sprints in the direction of Melissa's car. 

I let out a cry of frustration as I look back at Allison who is standing where he left her, looking both confused and hurt. 

I'm about to go over to her when I hear someone throwing up and see Stiles standing over a potplant. I curse him under my breath and walk over to him and help him back to his jeep, putting him in the passenger seat.

"You can't drive yet." He protests weakly and I send him a glare. 

"I think your dad would rather catch me driving on a learners than you driving drunk, don't you agree?" I ask not waiting for an answer. 

before the void - isaac lahey ⁰˙⁵Where stories live. Discover now