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Pretty much immediately after Noah tells us to leave we're on the road. I sit in between Stiles and Scott in the front seat, Scott leaning on me slightly as he lets out a groan and looks up from his phone as he researches what wolfsbane does. 

"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial," Scott says, clearly impatiently and thinking this is a waste of time. 

"Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something?" Stiles says and he looks over at Scott. "Like, maybe they bury you as a wolf." He says with a shrug. 

I shrug as well. " Or, maybe it's like a special skill, you know?" I say. "Like, something you have to learn?"

Scott rolls his eyes and sighs. "I'll put it on my 'To Do' list, right underneath 'figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight'." He mutters under his breath.

Stiles continues with his theories. "Maybe it's different for girl Werewolves..." He murmurs.

Scott finally seems to lose his shit and show his irritation. "Okay, shut the fuck up!" He yells. "Just stop!" 

"Stop what?" I ask with a small frown of confusion. 

He lets out a yell of frustration. "Stop saying 'werewolves!' Stop enjoying this so much!" He screams. I flinch slightly, hoping this won't have the same outcome as the conversation in the changing rooms. "Both of you!" 

Stiles frowns, clearly not understanding why Scott got upset as he did so quickly. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"No!" He says, aggravated. I can hear the change in his tone. "No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay." 

I watch as he doubles over in pain next to me and I turn to him, using a hand and resting on his shoulder to try and steady him. 

"Scott?" I ask softly. He doesn't answer and he shakes his head.

Stiles sighs loudly. "You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott. Sooner or later."

Scott begins to hyperventilate. "I can't-." He says, cutting himself off.  

"Well, you're gonna have to," Stiles says, sounding stricken. 

Scott seems to become even more agitated. "No!" He roars. "I can't breathe!"

I hear the undertone of his werewolf voice as he does. "Ahh!" He screams and I push myself into Stiles who protectively puts an arm in front of me. 

I watch as Scott thumps his head against the roof of the Jeep as he lifts himself in pain. 

"Whoa!" Stiles says, clearly alarmed as he swerves his car with his other arm, I push the other one off me and place it on the steering wheel. 

"Drive!" I demand. 

Scott lets out another groan as Stiles swerves again, this time to get us on the right side of the road. 

"Pull over!" Scott yells. 

I look at him confused. "Scott, what are you on about?" 

"Just pull over!" He roars and I watch as his eyes turn yellow.

"Why?" Stiles asks, confused. "What's happening?" 

Scott moves to open the backpack sitting on my lap, and is horrified to see that the wolfsbane plant and the rope with the flowers attached to it are inside. 

I turn to glower at Stiles. "You fucking dick!" I hiss.

"You kept it?" Scott demands. 

Stiles becomes visually exasperated with this conversation. "Well if you're both so smart, tell me, what was I supposed to do with it?" He yells and I roll my eyes as Scott begins to become increasingly sick at the proximity to the wolfsbane. 

Scott lets out another groan. "Stop the car!" He screams. 

I look at Scott and see that his eyes are no longer flashing yellow, they are pure gold. 

"Stiles I swear to god if you don't pull over!" I screech and Stiles is already heading toward the edge of the road as he slams on his brakes. 

As soon as the car is parked both doors fly open, Scott leaving to catch his breath through one and Stiles throwing himself out of the other one, snatching the bag from my lap and throwing it over his head as he gets closer to the forest. 

 I watch as it lands out of eyesight in front of him. 

"Okay, Scott we're good!" I yell but as I turn my head he's gone. "Scott?" I yell and there's no response. 

Stiles enters the car again looking relieved. "Okay, let's go!" He says but as he turns to look at me he realises I'm alone.

"Where's Scott?" He asks, concern coating his tone. 

"I don't know," I hiss. "Scott?" I call again but there was no response. 

"He's gone," Stiles whispers. 

I climb out of the car through the passenger door and run over to where there a fresh indents in the dirt. I crouch down to examine them, realising that instead of being one footprint followed by another they're in couplets. Two by two. 

"He phased..."I murmur. "He fucking phased in broad daylight!" I hiss. 

Stiles is already on his phone, making a phone call as he drags me back to the jeep. 

I run back to the passenger side of the car and jump in as Stiles puts the phone in the cup holder so he can talk on speaker as he pulls away from his spot on the side of the road doing a U-turn. 

I hear the other person saying something to him, the voice quiet. I reach down and tap the speaker on his phone as he keeps driving. 

Stiles must've heard what the person said because he responds. "I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls?" He asks and I look at him, realising that he called 911. 

"Odd how?" The dispatcher asks.

"You called 911?" I hiss quietly and Stiles makes a 'pft' gesture. 

"Uh, like an odd person, or..." Stiles says and I look at him astonished as I shake my head. I watch as he struggles to find a word for a werewolf that the dispatcher will believe. "A dog-like individual roaming the streets?" He asks hesitantly. 

 I hear the dispatcher sigh. "I'm hanging up on you now."

I watch as Stiles begins to panic and I just shake my head. "Wait!" He yells out but the dispatcher ignores him. 

"Goodbye." She says and that's all as she hangs up on him. 

Stiles glowers down at his phone which still sits in the cup holder. "Fuck!" He yells out and I shrug. 

"I guess we'll do this the hard way," I say, and Stiles mutters something in agreement and I smile. 

that was what is called atrocious. i am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I've been so into season 4 lately and I've updated the sequel about 4 times since I updated this. but ill put in more of an effort i swear. love yall so much, your endless support means the world. 

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