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Obviously after Scott's triumph the entire team is overjoyed. The emotions radiating from the players on the field is Poo phenomenal. You can tell everyone now thinks they have a chance to win this game and I can't help but agree.

Coach, who last time Scott showed off was enraged, is now exotic. He leaps to his feet. "McCall! Pass. To. McCall!" He yells exaggerating every word.

I look down at where the other players are, the ones who are on Jackson's side. I can feel Jackson's anger radiating off him from where he stands on the field.

I shake my head, a smug smile stretching across my face as everyone gets back to their positions on the field to start the next play.

The ref calls for the team to set and then the whistle is blown. Signalling the resume of the game.

I watch nervously, my hand in Allison's as we watch the two teams fight over the ball.

I squeeze her hand as the opposite team snatches it up and runs down the field. Unfortunately for the opposition, he comes face to face with Scott.

Scott's eyes blaze a horrific gold and I gasp, squeezing Allison's hand even tighter. She looks at me confused and I just smile apologetically, grateful she didn't see Scott mid-phase.

The player holding the ball lets out a small sort of grunt of fear or uncertainty I'm not sure. But he throws the ball to Scott who catches the ball with ease and takes off down the field towards our goal.

"Did the other team...just pass Scott the ball?" Allison's father asks hesitantly.

"Yep," I say, nodding.

"Got it." Mr Argent says.

Scott continues his plough down the field, avoiding and dodging the other player's attempts at stopping him. He continues to zigzag down the field until he reaches the goal.

He pauses momentarily but he pulls his arm back, taking a shot. He throws the ball so hard that I only just notice the fact that the ball goes right through the net of the opposing player's lacrosse stick net and hits the net of the goal.

The score is now 5-5 with 39 seconds to go in the final quarter.

I stand up and yell as loud as I can for Scott.

Everyone around me does the same thing. Beside me, Allison is jumping up and down with excitement and I join her.

"Whoo!" I yell out.

Even Allison's father is standing, clapping with an impressed expression on his face.

I can hear Coach cheering with glee on the sidelines jumping up and down and pumping his arms in satisfaction.

I can also hear Melissa cheering further down the stairs.

I watch as the opposing coach comes over and whacks Coach over the arm forcing him to look at him as he argues with him. I see Coach gesture to the net. This has something to do with the goal.

Stiles joins in on the argument and is also gesturing to the goal. Coach pushes the other man out of the way and blows his whistle. Signalling something that I'm not sure of.

The ref is standing on the side of the field and signals for play to resume again. A standoff starts between Jackson and the other player who is vying for the ball.

They both crouch down in anticipation, ready to swoop in and grab the ball before the other.

The red calls for them both to set and I see a short exchange between the two players happen.

before the void - isaac lahey ⁰˙⁵Where stories live. Discover now