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𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,257

colin went through the rest of the school day sluggishly. he had blown up the group chat between his mom and dara, telling them everything and not leaving out a single detail. of course, after a few spam messages, they had to tell him to stop, as colin neglected to remember their mission in lagos.

they were supportive of the boy, telling him that nothing was his fault. he knew it too. how was he supposed to know? his father barely let him leave the tower, so to sneak out of a hundred-story building and get to peter's house was impossible.

he still felt awful, regardless of the situation.

colin believes that he gets his big heart and compassion from his biological mother. from what he read and was told, he's glad that he got some of his mother's attributes. colin looks exactly like his father, which disheartened him because he never knew his mother. looking at photos and then at himself, he never saw his mother.

he loves his father, with all his heart. but, growing up without his biological mother and having no attachment to her, breaks him. however, he did get one thing from her. colin got his gift. but he can't go around and tell people that. other than natasha and now dara, of course. colin knew he wouldn't be able to hide anything from them, and as natasha took the role of his mother and dara an older sister, he felt it safe to tell them.

as much as colin wants tony to know, he was terrified. his whole life his father was protective over him. now imagine he was to tell his father about his gift and immortality. it wouldn't matter if colin could never die, tony would still fight to protect his son no matter what. so colin decided to keep the secret between him natasha, and dara.

so he just tells everyone that his striking personality is a mix of his mother's and the part of his family that he's around constantly. one day he'll be able to tell more people about his discovery.

the long months of research and the letters he had from his mother, he knew what he is and the gift he has is important. he's meant for something huge, and until that moment comes, he'll train with natasha and dara secretly.

as much as he wishes he could tell every single person he trusts and loves, it would ruin everything. it could change his fate. if he is meant to save the universe, he can't let anybody get in his way. for now, he will continue living his best life, because when he saves everyone, he won't know if that day will be his last.

so, he moves on with a smile, nobody the wiser to what was swarming in the young boy's head. and colin was fine with that.

his way of keeping people happy? standing in one of the many auditoriums in the m.i.t. side stage as he watches his father's demonstration of his new binarily argumented retro-framing glasses, along with the speech. it was weird, seeing such life-like astroprojections of his grandparents that he never got to meet. towards the end of the speech, colin saw his father falter, and with his heightened vision, colin could see why his father froze. the teleprompter.

pepper potts was supposed to come on after him. but, since the breakup, his father has been broken. one wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. however, if you were colin and had known tony your whole life, you'd been able to see under the surface. the pain he felt when pepper left, colin felt it too. pepper's name was something the two silently agreed to never say, and so, colin's discovery about uncle ben stayed quiet. no wonder his father was concerned when colin didn't speak about peter.

walking past, tony stopped to rest a hand on colin's shoulder. "thanks for coming, i know you'd probably rather be at home. i'm going to head to the bathroom, why don't you go meet up with happy at the car." colin stared at his father, heartbreak written on his face. studying his father with a frown, he nodded his head, allowing his father to softly kiss his forehead before walking away. looking at the ground, colin can only sigh before walking outside to the car. he'd figure out something to do for his father, make him happy again. but what can you get a man that has it all?


sitting in the car, bodies bouncing when a bump was hit. all previous thoughts left colin's head as he stared down at the secretary of state, general ross. colin had no clue why his father picked him up and is bringing him with to the compound. he could only assume it wasn't good. colin smirked as he watched ross slightly fidget in his seat, intimidated by the young stark across from him. colin had never liked ross... he just had this feeling.

arriving at the compound, colin had begged his father to allow him to join this avenger's meeting. reluctantly, tony allowed it, knowing that he wouldn't be able to say 'no' to his kid.

"five years ago... i had a heart attack... and dropped right in the middle of my backswing..." colin rolled his eyes at ross' reenactment. he sat in the rolly chair next to his father towards the back of the room by the door, blankly staring at the general. 'this is stupid, could he just get to the point?' colin whined in his head, getting irritated. "new york." colin's eyes darted up to the screen, anxieties slowly pouring in. 'oh no, what the hell?'

colin looked at everyone's reactions, his father's being blank, but colin knew otherwise. leaning his head on his father's shoulder, tony could only wrap his arm around colin, trying his best to comfort him. clips after clips were shown, from every battle, until steve saw wanda turn away and decided to put a stop to the videos, "okay. that's enough."

colin fixed his gaze on dara, who in return gave him a small smile, one that didn't hold happiness. none of them were happy about the situation at hand, especially colin who wasn't even an avenger but was still around for the majority of the battles they had faced. a slam brought colin out of his head, a thick book had been thrown on the table.

"the sokovia accords", ross continued after sliding the book to wanda. "approved by 117 countries... it states that the avengers shall no longer be a private organization." ross walked around the room, the team sharing glances, par him and tony. it was clear that his father had made up his mind before the meeting began. "instead... they'll operate under the supervision of a united nations panel... only when and if that seems it necessary."

"the avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. i feel we've done that." steve retaliated. it was true that they had made the world a better place to live in, but there were still evil, villains, criminals, and enchanted individuals. no matter how much you clear an area, more appear. while the world is safe for a moment, something will always happen.

"talk it over." ross began to leave the room with his 'bodyguards', only to be stopped by his mother.

"and if we come to a decision you don't like?"

"then you retire."


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