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𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,449

standing at the top of the ferry, peter looked at the mess around him that tony had to come to fix. he sighed, all he wanted to do was catch the bad guys.

swinging onto a building, peter sat on the ledge overlooking the ocean where the ferry incident took place. his mask sat next to him, allowing his face and emotions to be on full display.

hearing thrusters, peter turned his head to the right, watching the iron man suit fly up to him, and hover behind him.

"previously on peter screws the pooch, i tell you to stay away from this. instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing i told you not to do." tony began to drill into peter who became more visibly upset as he went on.

"is everyone okay?" peter asked, guilt filling him.

"no thanks to you."

"no thanks to me?" peter started, grabbing his mask and jumping off the ledge towards the suit. "those weapons were out there, and i tried to tell you about it but you didn't listen. none of this would've happened if you had just listened to me." peter's voice increased with every word, showing tony how upset he was. "if you even cared, you'd actually be here."

as the suit and peter were close enough, the suit descended, allowing tony to pop out and walk closer toward peter so that they were now face-to-face. shocked, peter stepped back as he stepped forward.

"i did listen, kid. who do you think called the fbi, huh? do you know i was the only one other than colin who believed in you? everyone else said i was crazy to recruit a fourteen-year-old kid." tony went off, having been fed up with all of the messes. first, peter didn't listen to him, and now colin is being hurt beyond belief due to peter's blindness.

"i'm fifteen."

"no, this is where you zip it, all right? the adult is talking. what if somebody had died tonight? different story, right? because that's on you. colin almost died since you neglected him. i almost lost my son. and you know what, if you'd died... i feel like that's on me. i don't need that on my conscience."

peter was shocked at tony's confession. colin had almost died? peter thought, confused as to when colin could've possibly died. until it struck him, the washington monument. peter fucked up so badly, he knew there was going to be no forgiveness from either stark. no wonder colin has been so cold and rude.

"yes, sir." he voiced this time, broken from guilt and sadness. "i'm sorry. i understand."

"sorry doesn't cut it. not when all the lives were on the line and when my son was on the line."

"i just wanted to be like you." peter confessed.

"and i wanted you to be better. okay, it's not working out. i'm gonna need the suit back."

"for how long?"

"forever." tony answered, ignoring the panicked look on peter's face as he began to freak out.

"no, no. please." peter begged.

"yeah, that's how it works. let's have it."

"please, this is all i have. i'm nothing without this suit." peter begged again, wanting any other punishment but losing the suit.

"if you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it. okay? god, one teenager is enough to deal with. and uh, one more thing. stay away from colin."


it was homecoming week and colin wasn't looking forward to it. he wasn't going, he was going to be moving that day, but it's all the peppy spirit that's annoying him.

𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐄 . [peter parker]¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now