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𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,088

when tony returned, colin became a mother hen. tony scolded him, telling him that he was the father and should look after him, not the other way around. all it took was colin saying, "yeah, well, you're all i got now, i'll be damned if your stubbornness is what kills you." for tony to shut up.

it took a good while, but tony began to heal and colin became less of a hen around his father. the two drove to the facility where they were going to help rhodey with physical therapy.

colin was thankful for rhodey being alive and allowing him to make artificial legs so he can walk again. rhodey will never be the same but, he can make it a hell of a lot easier if he can do so (tony monitored the production of the legs, of course).

"it's just the first pass." tony spoke as rhodey held onto tony, the two slowly walking. colin stood by on guard, just in case the legs malfunctioned. "give us some feedback, anything you think of. shock absorption, lateral movement. cup holder?"

colin chuckled at his father when rhodey responded, "you may wanna think about some ac down in..." he was cut off as he fell. tony was quick to catch him and colin ran to his other side, holding on.

"let's go. i'll give you a hand." tony said, holding out his hand to rhodey who shook it off.

"no. don't help me." rhodey stood up slowly on his own with colin and tony by his side, spotting him. "138. 138 combat missions. that's how many i've flown, tony. every one of them could've been my last, but i flew them. because the fight needed to be fought. it's the same with these accords. i signed because it was the right thing to do. and yeah, this sucks. this is, uh... this is a bad beat. but it hasn't changed my mind. i don't think." colin had a sad smile on his face, grateful to have an uncle like rhodey.

a man, who fought a battle he believed in, for it all to go wrong and for him to lose his legs. and yet, still sees the positives of everything. colin was inspired and looked up to that.

knocking on the window shook the trio out of their silence. "are you tony stank?"

colin choked. "oh my god. this is priceless."

"yes, this is tony stank. you're in the right place." colin belts out laughing, he and rhodey getting a kick out of this. meanwhile, tony was less than amused. "thank you for that! never dropping that, by the way." rhodey walked off as colin tried to recollect himself.

"does that mean i got to legally change my name to stank now? oh god, i'm so gonna be bullied in school. let's go!" colin turned and walked with rhodey who piped in his joke.

"table for two, mr. stank. please, by the bathroom." finally, tony laughed.


walking into his room, colin saw two notes and a flip phone on his bed. knowing exactly who they were from, he frowned but soon smiled. they may not be around physically anymore, but they were his family. he'd do anything for his mother and sister and they would do the same for him.

adding the letters and phone to his locked box, colin went to his father's office where he took his package too. colin could only guess who it was from.

sadly, colin knew nothing of what happened in siberia, just that steve, barnes, and his father fought and left him for dead. that alone pissed colin off. colin was not going to forgive the two for a long time.

colin made sure to use the flip phone to send dara one text before putting it away, please don't get with barnes, i know somebody who might tickle your fancy better than him.

colin smiled at his father, standing in the doorway waiting for him. chuckling, tony stood up before swinging his arm around his son's shoulder.

"fancy shawarma? i feel like i could go for shawarma right now."


peter sat on his bed, fiddling with the web shooters tony made him. his phone on the comforter next to him, his screen displaying all his read messages to colin that was never responded to.

"so, who was it? who hit you?" may yelled from the kitchen, wanting to know about how he got the black eye from his internship.

"some guy." peter responded before going back to his right web shooter. "so itchy, man, god," he muttered softly in annoyance.

"what's 'some guy's' name?"

"uh, steve." peter stuttered a response on the fly.

"steve? from 12-c?" may asked as a bright red light came from his web shooter making him block his face with his other hand. "with the overbite?"

"no, no, no. you don't know him. he's from brooklyn." he quickly spat out to not get his apartment neighbor accidentally accused of hurting him. aiming his wrist to the ceiling, peter looked up. he gazed in wonder before hiding his arm as may came into his room.

sitting on his bed, peter held his eye in false pain as the bruise was already healing and didn't hurt as bad anymore.

"i hope you got a few good licks in." may said to her nephew, being supportive as she always is. wrapping the ice pack in a towel, she handed it to peter who graciously took it.

"yeah, i got quite a few in, actually. his friend was huge. like huge." may nodded her head at her nephew, smiling softly. "that's way better. thank you." peter thanked, still hiding his arm.

"okay, tough guy. make sure you call colin, whatever went down between the two of you hurt him." may finally said before rising from peter's bed and heading to his door to leave.

"i will! love you, may." he smiled before he quickly asked, "hey, can you shut the door?"

already doing it, may shut it behind her and left peter alone. putting down the ice pack, peter sat up and pointed his wrist back to the ceiling, a huge smile on his face. an image of his spider-man mask illuminated, giving the room a red glow.

a vibration from his phone knocked him out of his admiration. seeing the contact name, "lin <3", staring directly at him he started to shake. peter reluctantly opens the text from colin, dreading the response.

we gotta talk.

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