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𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,136

colin and happy stared at the tv that was playing the local news station while they ate takeout together. happy shook his head, answering the ringing phone that was none other than tony.

"jesus christ." colin muttered, putting his hand on his forehead. "he's an idiot."

putting down his fork, colin cleaned up their takeout as dinner got cut short due to peter's acts of vigilantism. happy walked up to colin, thanking him for cleaning up before handing him his phone.

"yes, dad?" colin asked, putting happy's phone to his ear. closing his eyes, colin counted down on his fingers until his dad would start going off.

3, 2, 1 colin mouthed, and just like that, tony kept going on and on about peter and how colin has to keep a better eye on him now.

colin is thankful he's not going into his vigilante arc anytime soon if this is how his father reacts to a kid who isn't even his son. if it was colin out there, tony would be having a brain aneurysm at that moment.

after hanging up and everyone getting ready for bed, colin could only dread the upcoming school days.


"ned, please. you've been questioning the poor dude for hours. let peter do his fitness for christ's sake." colin complained, finally cracking after having to listen to ned ask peter question after question about him being spider-man. the three branched off from the bleachers, getting into groups of two, peter with ned and colin with mj.

colin turned to mj who laid down on the mat, raising their book up and down rather than sit-ups. every gym class the two would not even attempt to participate completely and the gym teacher knows better than to try and get them to. mj was mj and that was their excuse while colin used his sarcastic remarks to get him out of participating fully. so, he sat on his knees in front of mj as he spaced out.

truth was, colin didn't know his strength anymore. he didn't want to accidentally set a kid on fire, aka flash who seemed to be the likely candidate now.

"peter knows spider-man." ned called out loudly, causing all of the students in the gym to quiet down and stop what they were doing.

"you've got to be kidding me. why do i even bother? why do we have to be the only two people with brains around here? god, kill me now." colin ranted, fully fed up. colin has kept his secret for six years and ned can't even keep peter's for a day. this wasn't going to end well for any one of them.

trying to cover his ass, peter got up quickly, stuttering. "no, i don't. no. i—i mean..." he was cut off by ned who only dug the hole he was trying to dig himself out of deeper.

"they're friends." by this point, the majority of the class went back to their workout, ignoring the two nerds. colin sat in the background watching, waiting for flash to say something dumb and give him the excuse to speak out.

colin evilly giggled as he watched flash fall down the rope and walk over. "sorry mj, it's my time to shine, be back." colin apologized to mj who waved him off. walking over to peter, colin leaned his arm on his shoulder, giving flash a look as if to say "i dare you."

"yeah, like coach wilson and captain america are friends." flash laughed, causing colin to celebrate in his head.

sighing as he realized the hole was dug, peter dragged out his response, ignoring flash. "i've met him, yeah. a couple of times." colin hated seeing peter try and impress a girl who never gave him the light of day. maybe it was because colin still had a thing for peter or he just finds heterosexual people disturbing sometimes, mainly flash. but colin has his whole twitter dedicated to theories of flash being secretly gay, so that wouldn't work. colin just hates liz, we'll leave it at that.

"but it's... through the stark internship." peter looks up at flash who had that stupid smile on his face as he walked closer. taking his arm off peter's shoulder, colin stood at full attention, ignoring the pit in his stomach. he's never passing up an opportunity to verbally fight with flash. "yeah, well, i'm not really supposed to talk about it." peter spat out directed towards ned.

"well, that's awesome. hey, you know what? maybe you should invite him to liz's party. right?" flash spoke, directing his last part to liz herself.

"yeah, i'm having people over tonight. you're more than welcome to come." liz politely invited peter, having no choice now due to flash.

"having a party?" peter asked liz who just smiled and stared at him. colin caught a glance at betty who sat next to liz and laughed softly. the glare the blonde was giving flash made colin's day much better. that was going to be his new friend and he will make sure it happened, later, of course.

"yeah, it's gonna be dope. you should totally invite your personal friend spider-man." peter stuttered at flash's comment, his anxiety preventing him from forming words.

"it's okay. i know peter's way too busy for parties anyway, so..." colin was baffled. mouth and eyes wide as he stared at liz.

"wow, fucking manipulative much?" colin muttered, nobody but peter hearing him. peter spared him a look that told him to shut up.

"come on. he'll be there. right, parker?" flash was now passing peter as the bell rang.

"flash, get over yourself. just admit that your gay for peter and walk away." colin spoke before flash walked away, causing him to stop and turn.

"clark, you should be saying that to yourself. you're the one who's up parker's ass all the time." that made colin freeze.

it wasn't that colin was ashamed of himself. he was out and proud of himself for it. it wasn't rocket science for people to know he's bisexual, whether they know he's transgender, he doesn't know. but for flash to call out colin on his big insecurity of liking peter, was a low blow.

"considering peter is straight and i have a boyfriend, your statement is as invalid as your 'secret' spider-man blog." colin unfroze as he lied about himself having a boyfriend, not noticing peter's hurt expression. michael was gonna kill colin for him saying that, but he had to say something, he and peter have argued too much about their feelings or lack thereof for peter. colin can't go through the heartache again. not when he's barely recovering.

colin walked off to the locker room to change, completely over his stupid hormones.

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𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐄 . [peter parker]¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now