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𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,408

this is stupid, colin thought as he stared in the mirror. he was reluctantly picking out an outfit to wear for liz's party. he wasn't planning on going but betty and mj roped him into it. they got him with free food, and suddenly he was up for it.

yes, colin was successful in making betty his new friend, and the two have been discussing their mutual theories on flash and just gossiping about people in general.

it's funny because colin was never one to gossip, he didn't want to stoop that low and become one of those people.

"i don't wanna do this, why am i doing this, colin think about the free food, think about all the free flash content." colin whispered to himself, not noticing pepper in the doorway.

"you okay colin?" colin jumped, turning to his door.

"my god, what is with you people and scaring me." colin playfully exaggerated, causing pepper to chuckle.

"you look nice, you finally decided to go?" pepper asked colin, fixing the collar of his shirt.

"yeah, they got me with food so now i have to go." pepper shook her head at the stark, now fixing his hair.

"just like your father. well, happy can drop you off and me or him can pick you up. have fun, don't drink, don't do drugs, and be safe. call us if you need anything." pepper mothered, setting the ground rules as most parents do with their children.

"i will, thanks pep." colin still had manners. he may still be slightly upset with pepper, but he raised her too and was there for the darkest period in his life. he wouldn't be able to hate her forever, not when she made his dad happy.

the two ended up having a long conversation and making up, though colin will forever be petty. because he can't help but think, if pepper had told him about uncle ben, could he and peter be happy right now? colin doesn't like focusing on the "what if?"s but that question took up a majority of his thoughts.


"who gave flash permission to dj?" colin asked mj who stood next to him at the food table, the two of them nibbling on the food.

"no clue, but he shouldn't have a microphone." mj replied to which colin laughed. staring at the front door for the millionth time since he arrived, he watched as ned and peter finally arrived.

feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned to mj and betty who now stood behind mj. "hey, if peter can't see what he's lost, that's his fault. you don't need him."

nodding, colin thanked mj. "i know, but i've known peter for what feels like forever, that's not something i can just throw away." mj agreed but reassured him that he wasn't alone and can find so much better than peter who couldn't seem to realize how amazing colin is.

colin could only watch peter, ned, and liz interact. every minute that passes colin only becomes more and more hurt. he can only blame his hormones for so long before it's an irrelevant excuse.

betty walked back up to mj and colin, two cups in hand. she handed the one red solo cup to colin, "here, i think you deserve this."

hesitantly, colin grabbed the cup. he promised pepper he wouldn't drink and he even promised himself he wouldn't be like his father and drink but, he can splurge for one night... right?

however, seeing peter smiling at liz, it was the best option for his teenage mind. looking at the cup, colin knocked the whole cup back, not even bothering to take sips.

𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐄 . [peter parker]¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now