Change In Plans

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Hi, it's Zephyrine again. I knows it's been awhile since you've heard from me, don't worry, you're not the only one. I moved to LA, got lost in work and have barely had time to eat, let alone keep in great contact with anyone. Don't get me wrong, I've done my best to talk to my friends and family, but so much has happened I couldn't possibly explain it all. The main thing I know is that I've changed. I'm still trying to figure out the ways in which I've changed, but I can feel that I'm not the same person I was when I first got here.

The lights dimmed, effectively setting the mood. Everything inside me was screaming for me to back up, but I fought it. I was frozen in his icy presence. Not that he was a cruel man, it was just his look. He had intense clear blue eyes, black hair and contrasting porcelain skin. He was a strange kind of handsome. It took a minute to hit you, but when you saw how handsome he was, you couldn't unsee it.

Kyler grabbed my hand. "Leave him. You and I both know he's no good for you."

I turned away; my nerves sky high. I'd been dreading this part for months, yet I've known it was inevitable.

"You're not being fair. You already know I'd choose you. It's just not the best timing. He's going through a lot right now." I looked down at my feet, silently counting the floorboards.

He lifted my head, forcing me to meet his eyes. "It'll never be great timing. Kiss me now, or loose me forever."

I hate ultimatums, I thought. I did my best to keep my thoughts from showing on my face.

"And cut! Great job everybody! I'll see you all in two weeks." Ken, the director yelled from behind the cameras and bright lights.

I sighed, feeling relieved. I hated filming scenes like that.

"Thank God." A familiar voice tickled my ear.

I immediately searched for its owner. There he was with his arms crossed, looking fantastic in his black leather jacket and blue jeans. I ran full speed over to him. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, kissing him with full force. The kiss was so intense, that if I realized people were there, I may have felt bad they had to watch.

"I've missed you Rinnie." Grant whispered in my ear.

I squeezed him tightly. "I've missed you too Grant."

I was drowning in my excitement. It'd been months since I last saw Grant. We facetimed nearly every night, but I hadn't seen him in person since "Behind Closed Doors" had started shooting. It was very conflicting for me. It was my dream to star in a soap opera but being with Grant was also my dream. I was still with Grant, but it was torture not being able to see him. He wouldn't let me give up though, he didn't even freak out when I had to make out with my costars, he constantly reminded me that it wasn't permanent. His selflessness made it even more difficult to stay away from him. It was surreal to see him standing in front of me, being able to kiss him.

"Where are you staying?" I asked, feeling lost in his ocean blue eyes.

He smiled. "Just down the street in the Vanity Hotel. Grayson's outside, ready to drive us there."

I traced his face with my hands. "He came too?"

Grant nodded. "He loves LA. The casinos and nightlife are kind of his thing."

"I can't wait to see what your place looks like! We should go now." I reluctantly moved my hand from his face.

He walked over and opened the door for me. "After you."

I grinned. "Thank you. You're such a gentleman Mr. Goldsworthy."

He laughed. "Only with you Rinnie."

We stepped out onto the sidewalk. As we headed towards the car, I took a final look at the building we'd been filming in. It was a large silver building with a million windows. I grinned. There were a lot of memories in that building. I can vividly remember how nervous I was on my first day, and how at home everyone had made me feel.

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