Cancelled Plans and Broken Dreams

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My heart sinks to the floor. "What happened V?"

She wipes her teary eyes. "Tricia just casually waltzed in here like she owned the place. She saw my dress and everything and made sure not to leave out the fact that my fiancé, the one who she slept with, invited her. She said she needed to talk to him."

"Alec invited Tricia here?" My voice is feeble. I feel stupid. I didn't think Liam would bring Tricia, but when I saw him earlier, I should've assumed that he may have brought her as his plus one. I've heard they're friendly these days, but I assumed Liam would know V wouldn't want her here. If Liam didn't know, Alec for sure should've. I feel so bad for Vanessa, this is supposed to be her big day and Tricia has yet again ruined something special in our friend group. As mad as I am at Tricia and Alec though, I'm angrier with myself. I should have been there. I could've stopped Tricia from seeing Vanessa. As her maid of honor, it's my job to protect her, especially on her wedding day. I feel sick when I realize the truth I've been avoiding. I've been so caught up in Grant that it's become who I am. I am now only Grant's girlfriend, not V's best friend, not an actress, not Zephyrine. When did this happen? How could I have let this happen? I have never thought of Grant and I's relationship as anything but good for me, but right now I can't look away from its consequences. Exactly what Grant and I were afraid of is happening. Us being together is slowly destroying us and we're at risk of loosing our friendship. Not just our friendship but all of our friends. That is all my fault as well, I started this whole thing.

"I called him, and he didn't see a problem with any of this." She looks more insecure than I've ever seen her. I never considered maybe Alec is bad for her. "He said that I left him in charge of the guest list because I trust him so he's confused why I'm acting like I don't trust him all the sudden. He went on about how he couldn't invite Liam and not let him invite the girl he likes. He told me that Tricia likes Liam so I shouldn't be bothered. That's not the point though. The point is he knows that she was trying to play a major part in our downfall so she shouldn't be allowed to be at our successes. It doesn't matter. I don't want a girl who slept with my fiancé at my wedding."

I keep my eyes on her, taking in every word she's saying. "I'm so sorry V, I wish I would've been here to stop her from seeing you." I gently squeeze her shoulder, sharing in her pain.  I have so much more to say to her, but the words stubbornly stay in my mind.

"I just want to get out of this stupid dress and take a nap."

I point a finger at her. "Hey! Never call this dress stupid!"

She laughs softly. "I do love this dress."

"Here, I left a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in my car, I'll go grab them for you."

She smiles at me gratefully. "Thank you so much Z! Can you please tell everyone to go home too?" She looks down at her hands. "I can't manage."

"Consider it all taken care of." I pull her into a suffocating hug and head towards the door. The sick feeling in my gut intensifies, making me stop in my tracks. I need to get this off my chest.

I turn sloth-paced and red faced towards her. "Hey V, before I go do that for you, I need to say something and I need you to listen to till the very end, okay?"

Her mouth twitches and her puffy eyes squint. "Okay, but just so you know, you're making me nervous."

I want to reassure her that she shouldn't be nervous, but I don't because I refuse to put this off any longer. I make my way to her and bend down to take her soft hand. "I've been a terrible friend." Her eyes widen. "I haven't been here for you like a friend is supposed to be and I will never forgive myself for that. I'm sorry that after Grant and I kissed for the first time, he became all that I talked about, when you had your own troubles navigating your feelings for Alec. I'm sorry that I ditched you twice in one day to see Grant when all you wanted to do was hangout with me. I'm sorry that I selfishly thought that one sleepover would fix that. I'm sorry that I then guilt-tripped you for spending a week or two with Alec so you could work on your trust, when I'd done the same for months with Grant. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you when you told me to be careful about getting with Grant, not that I regret getting with Grant, but as my best friend I should've listened more to your concerns and at least tried to slow things down a little. I'm sorry that I moved to Los Angeles and never asked your opinion on it or asked if you wanted to come with me. It would be so cool for us to room together. I'm sorry that I turned the day you found your dream dress into a rant session about Grant and I's relationship. I'm sorry that I wasn't here for you before Tricia came in because I was too busy trying to get Grant's diary so I could learn his secrets, the timing was so inappropriate it makes me sick. I'm so sorry!" Throughout my speech I felt my eyes watering and saw Vanessa getting teary eyed too, but now I was full on sobbing.

"Oh Z, I'm just happy to have you back." She hugs me warmly and we cry together. I'm not sure how long we stay this way, but we don't move until the bridesmaids come in and ask what was going on. I usher them out into the hall to explain what happened before I go to bring Vanessa my spare outfit from the car. They agree to stay with her until I get back.

As I head back to find Vanessa, a voice stops me. "Hey Zeph, wasn't the wedding supposed to start already? Grant's been obsessively texting me to see what's going on."

I sigh and face Grayson. "Honestly Ray, things aren't great. The wedding is cancelled."

"Wait what?!! How is Vanessa doing?" In that moment Grayson looked like the definition of the puppy dog face.

I was so grateful Grayson didn't ask for the details on what happened, because I really didn't want to spread that around until V was ready. "She's doing the best she can considering the circumstances. I am actually going to drop this off to her now and then I'm going to let everyone know to head home."

He looks at me sympathetically. "Zeph that's going to be difficult, why don't you let me tell everyone and you go be with you friend?"

His offer is tempting, but it feels wrong. "That's really sweet of you Ray, but I think this is something I should do. I haven't really been friend of the year and I don't want to take anymore shortcuts when it comes to her."

"If you're sure."

I nod. "I'm sure, thank you."

I make to leave but he doesn't let me go just yet. "Zeph?"

"What's up?" I ask, eager to get back to V.

He takes a deep breath and reaches into the coat he's wearing to pull out a tiny black book. "Do you still want this?"

I don't move. I'd totally forgotten he had that. Do I want it? I decide that I should take it because even if I don't read it, I should be the one to return it to Grant. "Yes, I really appreciate you helping me. "

He shrugs and reaches to open my purse. "I'm worried about him too." He gently places Grant's diary in the large purse I was wearing.

I look into his beautiful eyes "Thank you so much for doing this for me Grayson, you're my hero." I hug him with all my might.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. "He chuckles. "It's no big deal, the hotel was right across the street from the wedding." He pulls away and gives me a light push forward. "Now go get those to Vanessa."

Throughout the conversation I felt like I was forgetting something and I suddenly remember. "Hey, did Grant ever get back to you about your baby?"

Anger flashes across Grayson's face. "No, but I'm so sure I don't have a kid. I don't know who she's been with, but it's been way too long for this crap. He's looking to see if there's even a kid that would fit the time frame and location of everything she's claiming."

"Yeah, I'm sure Grant will clear all that up soon."

He scuffs. "He better! I'm not paying that woman child support. Anyway, tell Vanessa I'm sorry."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that." I wave as I leave. "I'll see you around Grayson." He smiles and waves in return.

I head back to a very grateful Vanessa and present her with some comfy clothes. After that I make my way to do the things I've been dreading. Once I announce the wedding is cancelled, it means it's true. I stand up at the podium and swallow the lump in my throat.

"Can I please have everyone's attention?" I feel shy when all eyes direct themselves at me. "I regret to inform you that the wedding has been cancelled. You should all head back to your hotels and take your gifts that I will personally reimburse you for with you. Vanessa and Alec appreciate all of you guys coming out to support them. Please drive safely everyone."

There is a murmur in the crowd as everyone makes their way to the exit. It's a sad sight that I never in a million years thought I would see. My best friends aren't getting married after all.

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