Secret Hallways

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"I'm good, you don't have to keep protecting me. I have always been okay, it's you who's needing protection. All I want is to see you more, I miss you so much!" She sounds like she's going to cry.

"Please, that was years ago, I'm a lot better now, I swear. It's just complicated, you know? I'll make more of an effort to spend time with you, I promise." Grant's voice comes through clearly.

What is happening? Who is this chick that Grant knew so well?! I wonder as I strain to keep my mouth shut.

"You promise?" She reinforces.

"I promise. I appreciate you watching my friend's kid, it means a lot to me."

Who's watching who's kid? Glad to know I'm not the only one he lies to. Or does he really think Prince is Grayson's?

I try to peak around the corner and see what she looks like, but it's too foggy. I can only faintly see a tall skinny girl with long light brown hair and a tight red dress. My heart sinks as I realize she looks nothing like me.

"I'm happy to help out, he's such a sweet kid."

He laughs. "He's great, but he's definitely going to be a wild one."

"Only if he keeps spending time with you." Her annoyingly sweet voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me right now.

"I should go, I have to meet up with someone. Love you."

Oooh, that one hurt. Love? He loves her? Then what the h*ll does he feel about me?

"Okay, I have to go too, love you." I hear her high heels clicking on the hard, shiny floor as she walks away.

I try to look busy on my phone when she walks by. I want to rip her hair out of her head, but using all my strength, I refrain. The same sick feeling I felt when he was secretly texting Trisha and I saw their messages consumes me yet again.

Is Grant cheating on me? I remind myself that I kissed Grayson like a half hour prior and I didn't see Grant kissing her or anything. Don't be a hypocrite. I tell myself.

"Rinnie? There you are!" Grant pulls me tightly into him. "What took you so long?"

I look at Grant and mentally hit myself. He's wearing a read suit and black undershirt with a red and black mask covering half his face, basically the opposite of what Grayson is wearing. He looks so incredible my mind goes blank for a moment.

"What's wrong?" His eyes search me, full of concern.

"You look great." My voice is weak and my knees feel wobbly.

He smirks. "I look like trash compared to you. You're a goddess, you know that?"

I want to say thank you, I want to forget everything and fall into him, but I know I can't. All I can manage is a small smile. "Can we go somewhere private please?"

I want to hide as he analyzes my face. Grant is a professional at reading people and I really don't want him to figure out my thoughts out right now.

After a moment he gives up and nods. "Sure."

I take his hand in my unsteady one and walk him upstairs into one of the secluded rooms and close the door behind us.

He looks me up and down and sighs. "As tempted as I am to rip that dress you're wearing, I'm not going to, it's too much of a masterpiece."

"I kissed Grayson." I blurt out, my drunken state making it impossible to sugarcoat or wait for a more appropriate time to share the news. I really hope I don't ruin the party for him. I tell myself once again that I'm done drinking.

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