Bonus Chapter 2

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Jay's POV:
***During V and Alec's wedding.***

I want kill her. It'd be the perfect solution to my headache of a problem. The only issue is that I'd loose everyone I care about if I do. I'm still trying to decide if that's a dealbreaker for me or not. I don't get the appeal. I tried to understand why they seem to like her so much, but I never did see it. To me, she's ordinary. I'm just not into people who have no idea who they are. It's annoying to sit back and watch someone change a million times when you're secure in who you are. She is lucky she stumbled into the crowd she did. Zephyrine is the only one in her group who doesn't have her crap together.

I adjust my suit, I was not looking forward to this disaster of a wedding. Why did I come then you ask? I was going to destroy it if it didn't destroy itself, which I had faith that it would. I wanted front row tickets to the show. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Alec and Vanessa would never get married, it was simply not going to happen.

I decide to have fun while I'm out, I harass Zephie and enjoy two free cocktails. I wanted to have just enough to enjoy myself but not get drunk, I wanted to be fully aware and remember this lovely occasion.

There were some bumps along the way, but everything I wanted to happen was happing. Well, all except one thing. I'm single.

Grant killed Carsyn, someone who was very important to me. He knew what she meant to me and he killed her. The idea that most people see Grant as the good guy and me as the villain is insanity to me. Carsyn wasn't perfect by any means, but I needed her to live. I'd do anything to bring her back to life. Once I do, Grant won't know what hit him.

I'm gentler than I used to be. I guess having an infatuation with someone does that to you. I look around at the unfamiliar crowd, all dressed in costume and sip my drink.

I see Zephyrine and Grant disappear into her car, thinking they're discrete. I don't even want to know what they're up to.

Where is the bride? I've been waiting for what feels like an hour, feeling uncomfortable with the strange looks in getting. Girl's have winked at me, came up and asked me to dance and guys have given me angry glares as if I'm interested in their thirsty girls. I'm not easily impressed, I never have been. All I want is to be left alone.

Finally, I watch as Zephyrine comes out and announces that the wedding will be canceled. To my disappointment she doesn't explain why. Add that to the list of things she's done to annoy me.

I am going to have to look into myself. Ugh, I need to see her. I sigh and head to the men's room. I quickly change into my Grant disguise (a hat that covers my hair and an identical costume to his). After I'm satisfied with my look, I make my way to the bride's room.

When I enter she's crying hysterically. I rush to her side. "Hey, I just heard that you guys cancelled the wedding, what happened?"

Her soulful eyes meet mine. "Did Alec send you here because I swear..."

"He didn't." I stop her.  "What happened?"

I've never been so happy and so sad at the same time. Her light pink lips are puffy and inviting. "I'll have Zephyrine tell you my side, I don't think I can talk about it anymore to be honest."

I nod. "You're such a pretty cryer."

Her doe eyes widen. "Umm, thank you. I was sort of hoping you'd never see me cry."

I smirk. "I was sort of hoping that too, but i don't mind it."

She inches away from me. "Please tell me you're not flirting with me right now."

I laugh. "Of course not."

Vanessa goes to stand, I give her my hand and help her up. "Okay, good. I don't think either of us need that right now."

"No we don't." I agree. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Her intense stare burns through me.

She heads towards the door. "Thank you for stopping by Grant. As much as I enjoy your company and all, you should go check on Alec."

I smirk, she's nervous. "Yeah, I'll see you later Vanessa."

I step into her, making her trip backwards. I use it as an opportunity to pin her against the door. She tries to squirm away from me. "What's your game?"

"Your lips get so cute and puffy when you cry." I grin.

She groans. "Stop it Grant. Why are you doing this?"

I shrug. "We're both single now. Why not?"

"It's literally my wedding day and you and Z are still in love."

All this talk about Grant and Zephyrine was killing my mood. I trace her  lips. "They've done whatever they want, so why can't we?"

Her eyes shine. "She's my friend."

"She hasn't exactly been there for you." I point out. "One kiss, that's all I'm asking for."

She bites her lip. "What's the point?"

"I refuse to go my entire life not knowing what it feels like to kiss you."

Her hand grabs onto my arm tightly. "There's going to be a lot of people you'll never know what it feels like to kiss. I think you're going to have to get used to it."

Her face is so close to mine I can feel her long lashes fluttering against me. "That's different. I haven't wanted to kiss them for a really long time."

She closes her eyes. "No. I don't think it's a good idea."

I grab her waste and back her up further against the wall. I make my decision and kiss her anyways. It's a soft gentle kiss that leaves my breathless. Vanessa grabs the back of my head, deepening the kiss for just a second before she pulls away.

She keeps her eyes closed. "Go. Now."

Not the words I wanted to hear, but I needed to leave anyways so I obey. I walk out slowly and quietly. I hear the door shut behind me. What did I just do?

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