The Aftermath

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"No! He seriously went to a different hotel?!" Vanessa says between sips of her iced coffee.

I throw my hands up in the air. "I know, it's weird right? I guess they had some issues in the past that they never completely dealt with. Grant made it sound like people who he's liked ended up falling for Grayson, but I don't know. They both act like everything will be fine."

Vanessa points a finger at me. "I told you Grayson isn't the nice guy you paint him out to be."

"Maybe Grayson doesn't mean for that to happen. He never made any moves on me."

She scoots her chair closer to me. "Do you like him?"

I spit out my drink. "What?"

"Grayson. Do you like him?"

I grab napkins and start cleaning the coffee off the table. "As a person."

She looks skeptical. "Nothing romantic?"

"Okay, so we've kissed a few times, but it didn't mean anything. I'm in love with Grant."

She covers her mouth, shocked. "I thought it was just the one accidental kiss!"

"There were a few more after Grant left." I put my head in my hands, stressed.

"So, what are you going to do?"

I try to keep my voice from sounding annoyed, I'd be just as confused if I were her. It's her job as my friend to ask the questions I don't want to answer. "Be with Grant. Grayson and I were never serious."

"Swear?" Vanesa raises an eyebrow at me.

I stick my pinky out. "I'll even pinky swear."

We lock pinkies, her eyes stay glued to me the whole time.

"Okay, good." She speaks slowly, which in Vanessa's language means she's up to something.

I take a bite of my chocolate chip bagel. "Out with it."

"I think I might have a potential date for Grayson to the wedding."

My eyes get wide. "No way, who?"

She leans forward as if telling the most valuable secret. "A really nice girl I met at college."

I smile. "That's so sweet! Grayson so deserves a date! Tell me about her."

"Well, she's super funny and smart. She has a tan, light brown hair with these really cool blue streaks in it, and is a little shorter than me. Oh, and she has dark brown eyes. She hit me up to congratulate me on the engagement and I don't know why but I thought of Grayson."

"She's sounds great! We for sure need to set this up! I'll tell Grayson tonight." I can hear the excitement in my voice. I felt so bad that Grayson was going to the wedding alone. It was so considerate of Alec and Vanessa to invite him, but everyone else going already had a date. I was so worried he'd feel left out.

Vanessa walks over and hugs me. "Okay! I need to go finish up some last-minute wedding errands, but you'll have to let me know how it goes."

I hug her back. "48 hours until the big day, I can't wait!"

She squeals. "I know, me either! Thank you for all your help."

"It's in my job description as your best friend, it was so much fun planning everything together."

"I love you girl."

"Love you too."

I enjoy the sun cascading down my back on my walk to the hotel. Everything feels like it's falling into place. Grant and Prince are here, Grant and I are basically back together, Alec and Vanessa are getting married and Grayson has a date. The only complaint I have is that Grant still hasn't told me what's going with him. He still has secrets he won't share with me. I pray he'll open up to me within the next two days, because I really don't want to have to go through with reading his diary. The idea makes me feel like a creep, but if that's what I must do to protect him, that's what I'll do. Whatever he's hiding is dangerous, which means I can't let this one go.

I dig through my purse and realize I forgot my key. I sigh and knock on the door.

A moment later, Grayson is standing in the doorway, staring back at me. "Hey Zeph."

"Hey. I'm sorry, I forgot my key again."

He grins. "How dare you!"

"Do you have moment to talk?" I sit my purse down and head towards the couch.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Grant's back."

He sits down beside me. "I knew he'd come back! Did he apologize for being an idiot?"

I smile. "He may have."

"Did you guys get back together?"

"Honestly, I don't know what we are or what we have been, but he said he wants to be with me. I even told him about you and I and he said he was willing to put it all in the past as long as it never happens again."

Grayson hugs me. "That's great! I'm so happy you guys worked it out."

"Thank you." I hold him close for a moment, the fact that it's over registering in my mind.

He leans back. "You're trying to let me know I can't kiss you anymore, aren't you?"

"Kind of." I watch his expression as I speak, he just smiles.

"We both knew this was the plan, you wanted a distraction and I wanted to kiss a pretty girl. It was nice while it lasted, but I can't compete with what you and Grant have. Seriously, no hard feelings."

"I really appreciate you being there for me."

He ruffles my hair and stands up. "I know, I'm glad I could be."

"Hey Grayson?"

He turns to face me. "Yeah?"

I suddenly get nervous about how he's going to react to what I'm going to tell him.

"What would you say if I told you I found you a date to the wedding? Well, technically Vanessa found her for you."

He sits back down on the couch. "You mean I don't have to go the wedding alone?"

I nod. "Not unless you want to."

He chuckles. "That's really nice of you guys, thank you!"

I grin. "Of course, I'm glad you're happy about it. I was hoping I didn't overstep."

"Not at all. Does she know I don't want a relationship?"

"I think Vanessa told her that, but I'll make sure."

"Is she pretty?"

I laugh. "Vanessa seems to think so."

"That's awesome!"

"I'll let Vanessa know you're interested."

"Please do!"

Grayson's phone beeps and he picks it up and reads the message. He smiles at it and shakes his head.

He grabs his coat out of the closet. "I'm sorry, I actually have to go. Grant just asked me to meet up for a drink."

I can't help but feel a little nervous after how Grant was acting about Grayson when I talked to him yesterday. I can only hope that I convinced him to make peace with Grayson not start a war.

"That's so great! You two be careful and have fun." I smile despite my uncertainty.

Grayson opens the door. "Thanks! I'll see you later."

I watch him walk out the door, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world. I hope he always stays this chill and happy. Grayson has become a very important friend to me.

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