Order In The Court

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Sunlight pierces through my eyelids, telling me it's time to wake up. I would fight it if I had the energy, but I simply don't. I sit up slowly and stretch my arms. A slight smile crosses my face when I see Vanessa curled up next to me. I can't stop myself from pulling her into the big bear hug we both desperately need right now. Vanessa instinctually wraps her arms  around me as she sighs dramatically.

"I love you but if you don't let me finish my nap, I'm going to have to actually murder you." She doesn't bother to open her eyes and barely opens her mouth.

I smirk and dangle my legs off the side of the bed. "Wish me luck getting through this trial without killing Grant. I'm feeling lucky with the new dress you picked out for me."

She responds by nuzzling her head deeper into her pillow. "Uh huh."

I get ready and contemplate my life for 45 minutes until Grant arrives. When I see him get out of his car, I still don't know what to do with him. I decide to focus on Prince and once again push off choosing whether or not to stay with Grant.

The moment Grant gets close to me I can tell something is off. He looks too serious and isn't talking nearly enough to be okay.

"Nervous?" I ask Grant once we're settled in his car.

He takes too long to respond. "Yeah. This week has not been fun at all."

"Wanna talk about it?" It's easy to assume that he's talking about V and Alec's wedding and this court case, but I have a gut feeling that he may have more going on than he's saying.

"I want to hear you talk. Tell me how you've been."

Curse him and his ability to make me forget all his flaws with a simple sentence. It's not fair. He holding back once again and I'm letting it go once again. I'm far too drained to repeat this argument so I move past it for now. "Honestly, I'm worried. I'm worried about where Prince is going to end up. I'm worried about Vanessa and Alec. I'm worried about us.."

"You're worried about us? Like our relationship?" He stops me with panic-filled eyes.

I want to slap myself. Why did I say that?! This is a terrible time to talk about this. "We've just been fighting a lot. I worry that we're passed the honeymoon phase and all the things we were afraid could happen are happening."

He didn't say a word. He just pulled off the road and put the car in park.

"Grant, what are you..." I stammer.

He looks at me sternly. "We're talking about this now."

"We have to get the courthouse, we don't have time."

His hand gently squeezes my shoulder. "Do you think you're losing me?"

"Yes." I answer him honestly. There's no sense denying the facts anymore, he's intentionally pushing me away. I maybe a pushover but I'm not oblivious.

He moves his hand down to my waist and pulls me closer to him. I jump from the power of this small action. "I am going to make you a promise."

"What's your promise?" I look up at him.

"I will never leave you again. No matter what you do or say, I won't be the one to walk away."

I place my hand on his soft face and smile. "What if I kill someone?"

"I'll bury the body."

I bite my lip and watch his eyes find their way to my mouth. It gives me confidence knowing I can capture his attention this easily, he rarely looks interested in anything. The confidence he gives me makes me lean into his ear and whisper half-jokingly, "What if the person I kill is you?"

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