Secrets Exposed

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"Grant, I'm so mad at you!" V is hugging Grant by the time I catch up to him.

He laughs as he hugs her back. "Who told you?"

She hits his arm. "Who cares, you almost died!"

"It takes a lot more than some tiny little pills to kill me."

V rolls her eyes. "Don't be naïve."

"Don't worry V, I already gave him an earful."

She steps away from Grant and opens her arms for me. I run over and hug her, something I really needed right now. "I know you did Z, I know you did." She leans back and looks me over. "By the way, you look hot."

I laugh. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from a goddess herself."

"Is he holding the diary you stole Z?" V whispers to me.

I lean in and whisper back. "Yeah, he caught me."

Her eyes widen and she glances at Grant. "Was he mad?"

I nod in affirmative.

I swear I hearing running and I look up to see Jay standing in the doorway.

I raise an eyebrow to him. "Yes Jakey?"

He waves me off. "Stop trying, you're not good at it."

"Who is this guy?" V stares over at Jay.

Grant crosses his arms. "Off limits. This is my brother, Jay."

Vanessa looks lost. "Hi Jay, I'm...."

Jay keeps V's gaze captive. "I know who you are." He smirks and walks away.

"What's his deal?" V looks offended. She doesn't wait for us to answer before she yells after him. "I don't recall introducing myself to you before sir, so it's sort of strange you know my name!"

Vanessa's phone rings, earning a groan from her. "I'll be right back guys, excuse me."

Grant turns to me. "You didn't tell me you saw Carsyn's ghost."

"You didn't tell me a lot of things. Besides, I didn't know what I saw. I wasn't even sure she was real."

He leans his head back. "Okay, you want to know more? Fine. The real reason I left before Vanessa's wedding was because Jay promised me that if I didn't find a way to bring Carsyn back within two months he was going to kill you to teach me a lesson. He is powerful and calculative enough to do it. I needed him to think I didn't care about you anymore, so I pretended to be angrier with you than I really was. I had to make even you believe I didn't care about you. I left to figure see what I could do, but nothing seemed to be working so I came back to check on you." He adjusts his leather jacket. "I'm guessing he figured something out."

I just stare at him, at a loss for words. He continues. "That's why I asked Grayson to meet me at the bar, I asked him to keep an eye on you for extra protection. I didn't want to take any chances."

"I appreciate you protecting me, but Carsyn threatening to hurt me in a fit of rage was not a reason to kill her."

He shrugs. "Jay is lucky he's my brother, makes it harder for me to kill him."

"He's your brother? I feel so bad for you." I try not to smile. This is so messed up but it feels good to have someone who cares so much about me. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

"You could help me bring someone back to life?"

I chuckle. "I could've googled something."

I wasn't sure if imagined it, but I swear Grant moved closer to me. "The results would've been very creepy."

"Why is Jay so obsessed with Carsyn?" I have been wondering about this for far too long.

"She's powerful. They grew close over their quest for power."

I huff. "No offense Grant, but I'm not a big fan of your brother."

He looks almost relieved when I say that. "He didn't use to be so bad, he got in with the wrong crowd. I don't like him these days either." He mumbles the next part. "Especially since he drugged you to think Grayson was me and cut my breaks on the way to Alec's bachelor party."

"That was him?! He could've killed you!" I am so angry that I consider murder myself.

Grant shakes his head. "He's a doctor, he told me he was going to save me after I suffered for a while."

"Is it wrong if I block the twins?" V enters the room, preventing my upcoming rant from starting.

Grant smirks. "Nah, they deserve it."

I smile at her. "If they call you again, refer them to me."

She laughs. "I may, I'm sick of dealing with them."

"They keep harassing me too." Grant sighs.

"I want to continue this rant just as soon I pee." With that, I leave.

I close and lock the door behind me. As I go to wash my face, I see familiar golden eyes.

"Did you ask him how I died?" She says in a voice so chill I feel unafraid.

I nod. "I did. I'm really sorry for what he did that to you."

"He's going to be too." Her words terrify me, but her voice is still so soothing.

I place my hand on the doorknob. "I'm sorry Carsyn, but I really have to go."

"You're such a brat." She lifts her hand and my body follows as if we're connected. I fly through the air and land hard on the floor. A sharp pain shoots up through me. I hear footsteps coming to the door, people trying to get in. I try to get back on my feet but I'm too weak.

I met her hypnotizing eyes. "Please don't do this."

"Don't worry, I have other people to haunt, I'll make this quick." She smiles as she once again lifts me into the air and uses her hand to throw me out the window. I hear the sound of glass breaking before I feel it. I fall fast. I feel weightless and sad with the realization that I'm going to die. The room was way too high up for me to hit the ground and live. I prepare myself for the end. I am baffled when I never hit the ground.

Strong arms catch me in midair. I look over to see Grant is holding me. My heart skips beats when I see Grant is shirtless and has gigantic white wings attached to him. He looks so perfect, like something from a dream. He lowers me safely, looking nervous.

"Grant?" I gasp. "Am I dead?"

He laughs. "No, you're alive."

"How?" I rub my head. "Wait, why are you wearing a costume? I mean, don't get me wrong you look great, but I'm confused, it's February."

"They're real." Grant spins me around and lifts my shirt. "These look serious. I'm going to have Jay take a look at them."

I push my shirt down and swirl around to meet his gaze. "In no world is that happening. Why do you have wings?"

He takes my hand and pulls me near him. "You're not going to believe me."

"Try me."

"I am your Guardian Angel. I'm assigned to protect you."

I laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. "Okay, so this is role play. Didn't you just dump me?"

"Rinnie..." He complains.

I keep going. "Those are impressive, they look very realistic. Where did you buy them?"

He sighs and lifts me back into his arms.

"What are you..." I start to ask but stop when he lifts us off the ground. I realize that we're flying. I can't help but begin to believe him.

As we fly across the sky, there is one question that is on repeat in my mind; why would I need a guardian Angel?

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