Trust and Faith

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I am slightly relieved to see Grayson leaning tiredly against the kitchen entryway, his face full of concern. His beautiful curls are messy, and his normally huge eyes are slightly squinted from tiredness. I relax, something about his presence seems to calm me.

"Hi Grayson, I'm sorry if I woke you. I was just looking for some milk." I smile, apologetically. I wipe my eyes before turning to face him.

He shakes his head, his curls moving with it. "No, I was already awake. I'm so embarrassed I feel asleep on you guys."

I chuckle. "It happens to the best of us."

"Did you find the milk?" He comes up behind me, glancing over my shoulder into the fridge.

I shake my head. "No, I don't think we have any."

"Let's go get some." He turns and grabs the car keys.

My eyes go wide. "You mean like right now?!"

"Yeah, why not? You want milk."

I stutter. "It's really not a big deal, I don't need milk that bad that we need to go at" I glance at the clock on the microwave and gasp. "2 am to get some."

"You have something better to do right now?" He smirks and heads towards the door.

I am momentarily stunned. I can't believe he wants to do this right now. Most guys would just go back to bed in this situation or call me spoiled. I know Grant would do this for me too, these guys are unreal.

"You should give love a try, you'd be a really great boyfriend. Some girl is going to be very lucky to have you."

Grayson stares at me like he's trying to figure out the hidden meaning behind my words. "Thank you."

I make my way towards the door, behind Grayson when I notice something. "Ummm, Grayson?"

He turns to me. "What's up?"

"You aren't wearing a shirt."

He laughs. "Yeah."

I squint at him. "Don't you want to?"

He shrugs. "Eh, doesn't really matter."

"You're half naked." I point out.

He stands in nothing but black sweatpants, confused. "I mean, I guess but I don't think anyone is going to care too much."

"You don't care?" I ask, astounded.

"I go shopping shirtless a lot, it's liberating." He looks down at his chest and grins. "I'll put a shirt on."

I look at my outfit and decide that my green sweatpants and black lacey tank top are good enough to go out in. It's not like anyone I know will be out at 2am to get groceries anyways. So, when Grayson goes to grab a shirt, I sneak in Grant's room. My heart breaks a little at the sight. He is over on my side of the bed, squeezing a pillow. He thinks he's holding me. I then glance over at Prince, who is also peacefully sleeping in his crib. I walk over and plant a kiss on Grant's forehead. He smiles, but keeps his eyes closed. I walk out quietly, knowing Prince is in good hands with Grant. I want him to prove to himself that he can be a good dad. I wish he believed in himself as much a I believe in him.

"I think my longest one was like 5 months." Grayson says after deliberating.

I can't hide the shock in my voice. "Really? You must have some serious commitment issues."

He smiles. "Sort of. I guess I just like being single. I like my freedom and space."

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