Missing Man

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I lower myself into the warm bubble bath I created my and close my eyes, feeling very relaxed. Self-care days are my absolute favorite.

I wake up in a panic. I look around and realize that I feel asleep in the bath. I need to stop doing that, it's actually very dangerous. I sigh and put my head under the now cold water.

"Rinnie!" Grant's voice cuts through my grogginess, instantly grabbing my attention.

I sit up in the tub, looking for my towel. "I'm in here!"

I glance at my phone laying on the floor that's lighting up, telling me it's 4am.

I hear footsteps approaching the bathroom door. "I'm coming in."

"Grant, it's 4am." I groan.

The door flies open, exposing Grant's unbelievably handsome face. I realize he's drunk instantly. His eyes are shining, and his hair is disheveled.

I struggle to reach my towel. Grant notices, grabs the towel and hands it to me. I press the soft red towel against me as I stand up and attempt to wrap it around my body. Grant comes over without hesitation and helps me.

"Thank you." I smile up at him.

He traces my face. "I love you."

My heartbeat soars every time he says that to me. "I love you too. Did you have fun?"

"It wasn't bad." He smirks.

"Where's your partner in crime?"

"I'm looking at her."

I shake my head, smiling. "Your other partner in crime...Grayson."

His eyes get wide. "S***!"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what happened." He looks down.

My heart sinks. "What do you mean?"

"I drank way too much, and it all happened so fast." He's clearly flustered.

"What happened?"

"Grayson's missing." Grant finally meets my eyes.

I am speechless for a moment. This is the last thing I was expecting to come out of his mouth.

I take a minute to think, then place a hand gently on his shoulder. "We'll find him. We can go together and search for him."

Grant nods back at me, hope glimmering in his eyes.

"Where's the last place you saw him?"

He bites his lower lip in concentration. I do my best not to lose focus, but it's no easy task when he looks like that. "The bar down on 5th street."

I sigh. I've only been to that bar once since I've been here and that was more than enough for me. It's full of prostitutes and pimps. "Are you sure he didn't leave with a girl?"

Grant adamantly shakes his head. "I don't think. He didn't seem too interested in any of the women there."

I am not so sure Grant is right. Grayson is extremely attractive and friendly. I would be shocked if there wasn't at least one girl attempting to get his attention. I don't want to say that to Grant though. I don't want to disrespect him, so I quickly change the subject.

"Before we freak out, let's drive around the neighborhood and see if we can find him wandering around." I take Grant's hand and lead him out of the bathroom so I can get dressed. "Wait right here, I'll be out in just a minute."

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