Guilty Party

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Aiden ignores me. "Grant and I were hanging out at my place, and he threw back a handful of pills, turned pale, hit the ground and went unconscious."

I feel myself shaking just thinking about it. "Where was Alec?"

Aiden laughs bitterly. "He was too busy crying in his room to show up or answer his phone. Apparently you and Vanessa were busy too." He hesitates before continuing. "Do you have any idea how freaking scary that was? I was alone, watching my friend die and having no idea what to do."

"Aiden, I am so sorry! I swear I didn't see your call! I can't imagine how terrible that must've been."

Adien stays silent as the elevator doors open. "Grant is still unconscious, but you can go see him if you want." He points to a room as he walks away.

"Okay, thank you." I say to Aiden's back.

I want to continue this conversation with Aiden, but first I need to see Grant. I try to prepare myself for what I'm about to see, but no amount of preparing makes seeing your loved one lying unconscious in a hospital gown easier.

I grab his limp hand. "Grant, it's me Rinnie. I just wanted to let you know that I am here, okay? It's going to be okay." I start tearing up, but do my best to stay strong for Grant. They say your hearing is the last to go, so he may be able to hear me right now.

I hold Grant's hand and talk to him for hours until Aiden comes back in the room. "You're still here?"

"Of course, you didn't seriously think I'd leave him like this did you?"

He shrugs "I don't know."

I take his hand and pull him out of Grant's room. "Aiden, you never answered my question earlier. Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad, I'm hurt." He says angrily.

I wasn't expecting him to say that. "Please, talk to me."

He moves away. "Don't pretend you actually care."

"I do."

"Really because you could've fooled me. Ever since all you guys started dating, I don't think any of you even remember I exist."

I look up, trying to figure him out. "Grant was hanging out with you tonight."

He runs a hand through his hair. "He wanted to talk to Alec, see how he's doing."

"He wasn't there for you?"

He doesn't even process my question. "Why did you guys all decide to date?" He looks at me, distraught. "There's a reason why we agreed not to do that. No one even considered how I would feel about it. I am alone while all my supposed friends are going out on double dates. I mean think about it, when was the last time we all hung out?" He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

I run over and hug him. I am at a loss for words. My heart goes out to Aiden. "You're right, we've been selfish. I promise that we never forgot about you though! I am so sorry Aiden."

He shifts away from me. "Just please stop excluding me, that s**t hurts."

"Never again, I swear."

As he goes to leave, a familiarly unpleasant voice pierces my ears. "Aiden, where is your brother?"

Aiden refuses to look at her. "If you find out let me know. He's been avoiding my calls."

"I need to talk to him, it's really important."

I am on her before she finishes her sentence. "Why are you here and why on earth do you think you have the right to talk to Alec?"

She pops a diva hip. "I followed your vehicle, hoping to find some answers."

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