Crying Over Spilled Milk

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Grant and I get back to the hotel room they've been staying at, and we all decide to watch movies and relax.

I was planning on going back to my apartment, but Grant begged me to stay for an hour straight. Which I have absolutely no problem with except Grayson is staying there too and I don't know if I trust myself to keep my hands off Grant. However, Grant won out in the end. It's impossible for me to say no to someone who is so eager to spend time with me. I only had a little bit of a break before I had to start filming again. A part of me missed filming already, but I wanted to soak up as much Grant time as I could.

After watching two movies Grayson falls asleep on the couch. I chuckle, nudging Grant. Grant squints at me and I nod at Grayson who is falling over sideways on the other end of the couch. I smile, even sleeping Grayson looks like a painting.

Grant eyes light up with mischief on his brain. "Should we be annoying and mess with him?"

"No! He's so peaceful! Let's just let him sleep." I whisper-yell at Grant.

As I go to stand, I notice little Prince asleep between Grant and I, in a similar position as Grayson with the brightest little smile on his face.

Grant stares at Prince with admiration. "He's so freaking cute."

I nod in agreement. "Maybe we should take him back to bed".

Grant slowly inches towards Prince and wraps him in his arms gently. Prince blinks his eyes open, his eyes squint, adjusting to the light. He looks around confused, then his beautiful big eyes begin to fill with tears and his full lips start to quiver. Grant begins whispering to him in the sexiest voice I've ever heard. Prince soothes a little as he lifts his head up to look around. He looks sort of panicked until his eyes land on Grayson. He begins to reach out to him. Grant and I make eye contact, simultaneously amused, and confused. I move towards Grant and take Prince out of his hands and walk him over to Grayson. I sit him carefully on the couch and he crawls into Grayson's arms, looking content. Grayson subconsciously tightens his arms around Prince.

"Look, Grayson finally made a friend." Grant jokes. "He's not going to be happy when we take him, but there's no way I'm trusting sleeping Grayson to watch him."

I shrug and stand up. "That's why I'm going to let you do the honors of separating them."

Grant glares at me before grabbing Prince. Prince scuffs and slaps Grant across the face. Grant and I burst out laughing and so does Prince until we walk out of the room. For what feels like a week Prince won't stop crying. He finally falls asleep, and we let out a sigh of relief.

"Has Grayson even really interacted with Prince at all?" I lay back on the bed, exhausted.

Grant places Prince in his crib and tiptoes towards me, whispering. "A little." He look quizzically at the baby. "Rinnie?"


He examines Prince's face more clearly. "Do you think he could be Grayson's baby?"

"What?! Didn't you meet his parents?" I move to get a better look at Prince. "But they do look alike."

Grant looks anxious, something he only ever lets me see. "I did see them, but it's still just seems off. I'm probably just paranoid."

I lay down. "You are such a curious soul."

Grant joins me laying down on the bed. I prop up on my elbows and stare at Grant, admiring how handsome he is, even when he's exhausted.

We make eye contact, we don't say anything, but it somehow feels intense. He reaches out and gently strokes my cheeks with his hands, running circles with his thumbs. I take time to just let myself enjoy being happy. Grant slowly moves his hands from my face and looks up at the ceiling. I place my hand on his strong arm.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

He shifts onto his side and looks me in the eyes. He pulls me into him and kisses me with the kind of passion that makes me forget everything and everyone around me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back hungrily. He swiftly flips over and hovers me, all without removing his lips from mine. I grip his hair in my hands, pulling him closer to me. He moans slightly as I do this and deepens the kiss. I move my hand under his shirt and run my hand across his washboard abs. He breaks our kiss and kisses the crease between my shoulder and my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine.

He lifts his head up and looks me in the eyes. "Absolutely nothing is wrong right now."

"Do you trust me?" I sit up.

He grabs my hand and turns it around in between his own. "More than anything."

I sigh. "Then why do I get the impression you're always keeping things from me."

"Rinnie, I just want to rip your clothes off right now." He pleads with me.

I bite my lip to stop myself from giggling. "Take your shirt off."

His eyes go wide, but he obeys. My breath catches as his rock-hard abs come into view. He tosses his shirt onto the floor and meets my gaze.

He looks at me, full of anticipation. I move over and sit on his lap, facing him. I smile, remembering when I was in the position with Grant for the first time, I had drunkenly asked him to take my virginity. It was the night that started everything.

He moves in to kiss me, but I place my hands on his chest to prevent him from getting to my lips. "Uh-huh. Not until you talk to me."

He throws himself back dramatically, groaning. "Rinnie!"

I shrug. "If you want all of me, I'm going to need all of you in return."

"You can have all of me, I'm all yours!" He spreads his arms out, looking defenseless.

I shake my head. "Your mind is included in that. I want to know your secrets. Besides, you don't want little Prince seeing anything he's too young to see, do you?"

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about your lookalike. I want to know about your dad, your entire family really."

He looks away. "I don't tell you things for a reason. I know it's annoying, but there are just certain things I can't talk about."

I sigh. "That's the problem Grant, you should be able to talk to me about everything. I talk to you about everything."

Grant runs a hand through my hair. "I love you, I trust you. Isn't that enough?"

I feel my heart crumble in my chest. "No, it's not."

I go to get off Grant's lap, but he grabs my hand to stop me. "Please Rinnie, trust me. I will tell you everything, but I just need to do it on my time."

"It's been years Grant; we've been friends forever. I don't want to pressure you, but the fact that you can't open up to me isn't normal and I can't pretend it is." I struggle to get out of his grasp.

"I trust you." He says quietly.

I start to wrap myself into the blanket and face away from Grant and his perfect body. "Just not enough to talk to me." I feel tears filling the corners of my eyes.

"I'm sorry Rinnie." He whispers into my ear.

I pull the covers up higher as if to protect myself from my desires. "It's okay, goodnight Grant."

He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. "I love you, goodnight."

"I love you." My voice comes out so quiet I'm not even sure if he heard it. His kiss on the back of my head tells me he did though.

I twist and turn for what feels like forever. I look over to see Grant asleep on the bed, looking like an angel. I look a little further over at Prince who is making little sleeping noises that melt my heart. I already know I'm not going to be able to sleep so I decide to go get a warm glass of milk.

I walk quietly into the kitchen and open the fridge. I shift through the fridge searching for some milk. I get annoyed with myself for the tears that form in the corners of my eyes. I think that holding in my tears from Grant has caught up to me. I was able to avoid crying in front of Grant, but the side effect of that is crying over not-even-spilled milk.

"Hey." A raspy voice comes from behind me, making me turn around.

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