Chapter 2

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"I'm here!" Alexis yelled as soon as she crashed into the flat and looked all around, "I came as soon as I saw your text," she rushed out once she saw Rosie on the couch and nearly threw herself next to her sister.

Rosie was trying to recover from the minor heart attack Alexis gave her, but if anything she was more than happy to see her.

"You said it was about a boy, like it is good, is it bad?" Alexis asked worriedly, clearly still a bit out of breath.

The younger girl bit her lip, knowing her face was heating up but at this point she accepted it, "it's good."

Alexis squealed, quickly wrapping her arms around her and giving Rosie a tight squeeze, "oh my God, you need to tell me everything," she said, her smile blinding.

Rosie laughed nervously as she brushed her hair out of her face, "so I met this guy at the library, and then I ran into him while I was getting lunch and he asked to sit with me-"

"Oh my gosh," Alexis gushed, quickly nodding so she would keep going, her smile only growing.

"...And we talked for almost two hours before I had to go to my next class but we have each other's phone numbers," Rosie smiled sheepishly.

"Rosie holy shit, get it girl," Alexis said happily, "when was this? Like what's next are you gonna text him or has he texted you or-"

"Al," Rosie stopped her, her sister pulling a pop move with all these questions, "so the first lunch was-"

"First lunch?!"

"Al," Rosie actually groaned this time, "we had the first lunch like a week ago, and since then we've sat in the library together but we can't talk, so we went to lunch again today. Which is why I texted you cause I need help," she threw herself back against the couch and rubbed her hands over her face.

Alexis opened and closed her mouth, there being so much she needed to process. First that her sister liked a boy, second, she was very clearly smitten with him, and third, she needed advice more than anything.

"Okay, well first tell me his name and then we'll get into the flirting talk," Alexis said, making her sister eye her, but she knew that's where she needed help.

Even though Rosie was giving her the look she still couldn't help her smile, "his name's Declan," she said, unable to meet her sister's eyes, "and he's Irish."

"Oh bonus points," Alexis winked at her, if possible making Rosie's cheeks turn even redder, "well has he texted you?"

She bit her lip and shrugged, "I mean he did once to ask to go to lunch today, but we haven't had like a conversation over text or anything."

"But you talk in person, and that's easy, right?" Alexis raised her eyebrows at her, getting a nod in return, "well maybe he's just nervous."

Rosie could definitely see that. As much as she and Declan got to talking at lunch today they were both very clearly nervous. But it was those excited nerves, the ones you feel when you have no idea what's to come, no idea what can be created.

And when they had lunch Rosie knew she was falling for him even more. Declan started watching the Harley Quinn series again so they can talk more about it, but he also wasn't shy about asking what else she does for fun. Answering that question was more than nerve wracking for her because there weren't that many things. She did love tv shows and watching movies, but other than that she was a reader and spent a lot of her time with her family. When Rosie told him that though his smile didn't leave his face, his dimples more than noticeable as he said a quiet "me too."

He was shy, that was something she couldn't miss, but she probably wasn't that much better, which is why Rosie needed help.

"I want to like... I want things to progress because I think he likes me, and I like him but-," the green eyed girl shook her head.

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