Chapter 19

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Declan scrunched his face as he rolled over, slowly opening his eyes as he felt himself waking up. And the first thing he saw, like always made a small smile stretch across his face. Rosie snoring lightly to herself, her hair everywhere as she was cocooned in her blankets.

Seeing her always made his mornings start off great and after last night he was happy to have a few minutes to soak the green eyed girl in.

Declan gently brushed some hair out of her face, his smile only growing as he heard Rosie mumble to herself, "morning bug," he whispered.

The younger girl let out a yawn, refusing to open her eyes as she pulled the blankets closer, "morning bug," she repeated tiredly.

He couldn't help his quiet laugh, Rosie clearly still mostly asleep as she shoved her face in her pillow, "wanna have a lazy beach morning with me?" Declan hoped that would get her up.

And it seemed it did as Rosie slowly opened her eyes, "will you be shirtless?"

The Irish lad tried to hold in a snort as he wrapped his arms around her and gently tugged her onto his chest, "yes, just to torture you," he rolled his eyes fondly.

"Perfect," Rosie hummed as she settled on top of him and let her fingers run through the hairs between his pecs.

Declan kept his eyes on her as he rubbed her back, his dimples appearing as he nuzzled his nose in her hair and breathed her in. He was happy to take their time getting out of bed and having a little morning cuddle. If anything it was relieving to see his girlfriend being just as loving as always after his performance last night.

They stayed cuddled up for another half hour before getting up and getting ready for breakfast. And after breakfast and a few mimosas, the pair got their things together to go to the hotel's beach.

Rosie was too happy to have a lazy morning, her bag was packed with a few books to read, and having no priorities sounded too perfect. And Cody of course made sure they continued to be spoiled. When they went up to reserve lounge chairs and an umbrella as soon as Rosie said her last name they were led to a cabana.

"Okay, so after this trip I think I owe working for your brother for free for the next 5 years," Declan shook his head, not believing it as he put his bag down by his lounge chair.

"I don't know what else he has to do for us for you to see that he genuinely loves you," Rosie rolled her eyes as she laughed and almost threw herself into her chair.

"Loves you," Declan corrected, "I'm just lucky enough to tag along."

"Would you stop?" she tried not to huff as she put her shall off to the side, "obviously he really cares about you. You're important to me, making you important to him."

The Irish lad bit his lip as he took a seat, just about to tug his shirt off but stopped himself as he saw a guy coming their way.

"Hi you two, my name's Eric and I'll be serving you while you're here," he said with a smile before his eyes set on Rosie and it widened.

"Oh, hi," the younger girl offered him a small grin, not expecting anyone to be waiting on them, "thank you, we really appreciate it."

"Of course," Eric said softly, his gaze never leaving her, "is there anything I can get you? Tea? Coffee? We have some morning mixed drinks available as well."

Rosie looked over to Declan to see if he wanted anything, but she felt herself pause for a moment seeing how sunken he seemed suddenly, "babe?" she asked quietly, "do you want anything?"

"I'll do a coffee, black please," Declan said as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, "and I'll see the mixed drink menu," he could only glance at the waiter before having to restrain himself from rolling his eyes as he didn't take break his stare from Rosie.

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