Chapter 22

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A/N TRIGGER WARNING: Talk of abortion throughout the chapter

"Al this can't be right, t-this isn't how my story is supposed to go," Rosie quickly shook her head as she cried into her hands.

Alexis' jaw was slack as she looked at the positive test, her heart sinking into her stomach as she saw within seconds her little sister fell apart, "listen, I know you're scared but-"

"I'm fucking terrified!" Rosie screamed into her hands, her heart beating so fast she was ready to explode, "I've known for a decade I didn't want kids until I was settled! At least until I was out of uni!"

Alexis took in her words, took in how shaken up she seemed and was quick to wrap her arms around her, "you know you have options," she whispered to her.

Rosie squeezed her eyes shut, hating she even had to think about this, but before taking the test she already had a heartbreaking route in mind.

"Is that why you're so scared?" Alexis asked softly as she wiped some of her tears away, "you know what you want to do, but don't know how people will take it?"

The 18 year old swallowed thickly, even at the thought she couldn't stop herself from crying more, "I-I feel so selfish," she hiccuped out before sobbing onto her sister's shoulder, "dad and pop could have a baby, Cody could have a baby, b-but I-" Rosie shook her head, even the thought of going through a pregnancy right now turned her stomach into knots, "I'm just not ready."

Alexis let out a deep breath, seeing her sister hurt like this was painful and as much as she would like to cry too she had to be strong, "Rosie there's nothing wrong with that," she assured her, "just because they had kids doesn't mean you have to go through with it," she said gently.

"Dad and pop are gonna be so disappointed and this'll make it even worse, and-"

"Stop it," Alexis cut her off as she shook her head, "they'll be worried, and the only thing they want is what's best for you," she looked at her seriously, "and if you feel like having a baby right now isn't for you then it's not."

"A-and what about Declan?" Rosie cried, her mind quickly telling her this is going to hurt their relationship, "first I have to tell him I'm pregnant and then-," she cut herself off, another heavy stream of tears escaping her, "I-I don't know how he'll take it."

Rosie felt like she was crumbling, all of her weight resting on her sister as she cried on her shoulder. Even with Alexis rubbing her back it felt impossible to breathe and she was terrified of not knowing how long this feeling would last.

The thought of talking to Declan about any of this had her anxiety going through the roof. The most the two of them have discussed kids is saying they'd love to have them someday. But Rosie was sure that "someday" wasn't anticipated to be 9 months from now.

"You know Dec will be understanding, he'd never want you to do something you don't want to," Alexis tried to calm her down the slightest.

Rosie shook her head, "but that doesn't mean he won't be heartbroken," she barely whispered, "this will shatter him, and it's all my fault."

"Please don't blame yourself."

"But it is Al," Rosie wiped her wet eyes, "he asked me if I wanted to use condoms, he was trying to be careful, and because I told him no this is happening."

"It was an honest mistake, you didn't know about the pill and-"

"That's my responsibility! The pill is what I'm supposed to take care of when it comes to sex and I completely let him down!" Rosie felt more tears pooling in her eyes, "I'm putting him in this horrible position a-and I'm terrified of breaking him."

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