Chapter 21

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"Love breathe."

"I can't," Declan choked out before shakily reaching for his water glass on the table.

Rosie bit her lip as she rubbed the older lad's back, her eyes quickly going to the restaurant's door to see if her parents showed up yet, "Dec it's gonna be fine, and the worst they can do is say no."

"Exactly!" he rubbed his hands over his face, doing everything he could to calm down but nothing seemed to work, "I don't know what I'll do if they say no," he mumbled.

The green eyed girl could see how terribly he wanted to move in together, since bringing it up it's all he's talked about. But of course her boyfriend was overthinking and nothing she could say would stop his anxiety. Rosie was sure he wouldn't calm down until he heard a "yes" from them.


Rosie picked her head up at the shout, her dimples immediately appearing seeing her dad jogging and swerving around tables to get to them.

"Oh I missed you so much!" Louis said excitedly as he wrapped his daughter in a strong hug and picked her up a little.

The 18 year old couldn't help her small laugh, squeezing her father tightly back and only smiling more as he kissed her cheek over and over, "dad, dad, c'mon," she playfully complained.

"Never leave me again."

"Louis stop being dramatic for five seconds," Harry rolled his eyes as he walked up to the table and hip bumped his husband out of the way to hug Rosie, "you're glowing love, you look amazing."

"Got a lot of sun," Rosie joked as she wrapped her arms around him.

Harry hummed, "more than that though," he said quietly before pulling away and offering her a small girn, "safe to say the trip was great?"

"Amazing more like it, I can't wait to tell you and dad-" Rosie stopped herself as she glanced at her dad, furrowing her eyebrows as she saw him hugging Declan, her boyfriend's face growing more confused the longer he held onto him, "uhm... dad?" she chuckled, her father refusing to let him go.

"You owe me a night of pizza, beers, and video games. Dinner doesn't cut it," Louis squeezed the 20 year old before finally letting him go.

Declan let out an airy laugh, happy that the older man missed him so much, "you got it sir."

"C'mere mate," Harry opened his arms for him, his smile widening as Declan had a skip in his step as he walked to him, "we missed you so much."

"We missed you too Harry," the Irish lad said as he hugged him, "you'll see just how much when Rosie gives you your gifts."

The green eyed man lit up as he pulled away, it being obvious how excited he was as Declan started laughing.

"Sit down loves, we have a lot to catch up on," Louis said as he pulled a chair out for Harry, "I gotta say for getting in last night you two don't seem so jet lagged."

Rosie glanced over at Declan, within a second seeing him growing anxious. In her mind the easiest and fastest way to calm him down was to talk about moving in as soon as she could with her parents.

"Yeah, Dec and I had a relaxing night. But I guess we're both just a little excited about something."

Louis looked between the two as he settled in his seat, too quickly feeling his pulse pick up, "excited about what?" he asked, almost scared for the answer.

It must have been obvious he was a little uneasy as Harry's hand found its way to his thigh. But Louis couldn't look at his husband, his eyes trained on his daughter and Declan.

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