Chapter 23

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A/N I hope everyone had a happy holiday season ! This chapter is a bit longer and I hope you all enjoy ! Xx

"C'mere sweetheart you can sit between pop and I," Louis reached for Charlie just as she was walking down the row and tugged her into the seat, earning a loud giggle from her.

"I was gonna sit with Al. You guys always sit together during games," Charlie got comfortable with her father's arm around her.

"Well we wanted to be able to talk to you a little bit," Harry smiled down at her, "and I may have some news from your piano teacher that I just can't hold in anymore," he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

The 9 year old quickly perked up, "what'd she say?"

Harry looked at Louis, his husband just as excited about the message he got, "well there's another recital coming up, and your teacher would really love for you to do a duet with another one of her students."

"Will we both be on piano?" Charlie bit her lip, her nerves telling her she needed to practice.

"Nope," Harry grinned at her, "she wants you to play with a violinist, and the best part... The violinist is 15."

Charlie's jaw dropped, snapping her head to her dad and seeing him nod at her, "she thinks I'm good enough to play with someone that much older?" she barely whispered.

"And is giving you an amazing piece to play," Louis grinned widely at her, "your teacher wants to showcase you two together."

"Oh my God," Charlie couldn't believe it, "Al! Cam, Cody, guys!!" she leaped from her seat and ran down the aisle to tell her siblings.

Louis and Harry watched her fondly as she excitedly told them the news, and it warmed their hearts to see all the kids crushing Charlie in hugs and screaming their congratulations.

As happy as Harry is, looking at the kids he couldn't help his smile from faltering a little not seeing Rosie. She said she would see them here, but the closer it got to game time and they didn't see her the more worried he got.

"Did uhm, did Rosie say if she's on the way?" Harry asked his husband quietly, her never responding to him.

"She texted me this morning that they're planning on coming," Louis said, but still pulled out his phone to see if he had any messages.

The curly haired man let out a nervous breath as he fidgeted in his seat, knowing each second she didn't show up would be worst than the last. He tried to find some light behind the glooming clouds over him, his eyes catching Charlie talking to Emerson and the two of them wearing big smiles.

Harry needed to see something positive so he didn't break down when Rosie shows up. And seeing Charlie as happy as she is, and Emerson being here to watch Rory play did make him feel a little better that some good things were happening.

Harry's eyes caught the clock as he looked at the pitch, there only being another 10 minutes until they start. And for Rosie it was unusual not to be 20 minutes early to everything which only made his nerves worse.

He was sure he was just staring at the clock tick down, and when it got to 2 minutes the green eyed man felt close to crying.

Harry always feels horrible when one of the kids is upset with him, but the fact that its Rosie, and he hurt her so much was crushing him. He had to fix this, but he couldn't if he didn't see her.

"Hey love."

The curly haired man snapped his head to his husband, seeing Louis get up and open his arms for Rosie as she walked to them.

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