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"Doug, come on, you do not want me, a woman, at your bachelor party. It defeats the purpose of the bachelor part of the party."

(Y/n) had her phone in her hand as she spoke to her lifelong friend, Doug, who had just asked her if she wanted to go with him and their friends, Phil, Stu, and Doug's soon-to-be brother in law, Alan, to Vegas on the bachelor party. Doug was getting married, and he had put it off for so long, he had forgotten about the party until now. At the moment, (Y/n) was trying to hide the fact that she was talking on her phone at work. She worked a dead-end office job, hating every moment of it, and only looked forward to the high paycheck at the end of the week.

"(Y/n), you know it'll be fun. You didn't get to go to the bachelorette party," Doug retorted, making (Y/n) lightly roll her eyes as she dodged her head down from a passing snotty co-worker, Debra.

"Yeah, cause your fiancée never invited me," (Y/n) said back, quietly so that Debra wouldn't get suspicious. That bitch was always out to get her fired, and she knew it. Nobody would file as many reports to H.R. as Debra did if she didn't want to see her crash and burn as she was thrown out of the company with the classic plant in the box.

"Tracy thought you had to work on those days. She said she remembered you talking about your late night work hours," Doug said, and (Y/n) nearly scoffed. Tracy did not care to learn about (Y/n)'s work hours because she didn't care for (Y/n), and that was a fact. There seemed to be quite a few bitches in her life that were out to sabotage her.

"Wow, she really has you if she's got you thinking that's the excuse for me not going to the bachelorette party," (Y/n) said, slowly dropping down deeper into the chair in her cubicle as another haughty co-worker, David, walked by, his beady eyes scanning the surrounding area for anyone he could tattle to the boss on. "Look, Doug, I'm glad you're getting married, I really am, but if your wife shit-talks me one more time, I'm gonna do something we are all going to regret."

She heard a sigh on the other end of the phone, and Doug's voice once again said, "(Y/n), please, we just want our group there. The rest of the guys all agreed that you being there wouldn't be a bad idea. Just one night in Las Vegas. It's basically your home."

Biting her lip in thought, (Y/n) took in a deep breath and looked around one more time to make sure no one was listening or watching her, and went back to the conversation. "All right. I'll come. But there are gonna have to be some ground rules, especially if that Alan guy is coming. I don't know him well enough."

"Of course. Completely understand," Doug said, and (Y/n) could hear the smile in his voice. She only hoped Tracy was able to make him this happy, even if the woman hated her guts. "Next week, all right? You don't have to pay for a single thing. We've got it all covered."

"Good, cause I was gonna say, if I have to pay for this expensive trip that I didn't want to go on in the first place, I'd be kinda pissed," (Y/n) said with a small laugh. "I'll give the others a call once I get out of work, let them hear the news. See you next week, Doug."

"See you then, (Y/n)," Doug replied before she heard the familiar sound of the dial tone going off in her ear.

Shutting her phone off and setting it on her desk, she picked up the pencil next to her paperwork and looked down at the files, letting out a relieved sigh. She felt eyes on her, and looked next to her to see Brenda giving her odd looks, her wrinkled, makeup-covered eyes judgmentally staring her down as she gripped her pencil tightly. (Y/n) gritted her teeth and said, "Oh, shut up, Brenda. I've caught you looking up porn on your work computer. One phone call isn't shit compared to that." Brenda gaped at the younger woman, her face turning red and (Y/n) smiled ruefully and turned back to her work, thankful it was Friday.

Disappointed: The Hangover (Phil Wenneck)Where stories live. Discover now