Chapter 15

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Once they helped Doug get down from the roof, they got him back to the hotel and grabbed him a soft, comfy robe for him to wear, and gave him a much need bottle of Fiji water to drink on, given that he had been deprived of water and been in the sun nonstop for over 36 hours. Stu obtained a wheelchair for him so that he wouldn't have to walk all the way down to the lobby, and soon started calling several airlines to get plane tickets home.

They rushed out of the hotel as Alan ran to get the Mercedes, pushing Doug forward in the wheelchair. (Y/n) was constantly biting her lip out of the nerves she was feeling, worried they wouldn't be able to make it back in time for Doug's wedding. She actually bit her lip so hard, it started to bleed a little bit, but that was the least of her worries. Listening to Stu's conversations on the phone, it seemed like they couldn't get themselves a plane home.

"What about the one after that?" Stu asked the airline, and then groaned, "You cannot be serious. Oh, goddamn it."

"What?" Phil said, glancing to Stu as they walked down the wheelchair ramp.

"Every flight to L.A. is booked," Stu told them.

"What about into Burbank?"

"Totally sold out."

"Oh, fuck. We can't drive there, the wedding starts in three and a half hours," Phil cursed.

"I don't think we have a choice," (Y/n) exclaimed, her hands shaking from the adrenaline and anxiety she was feeling.

"Alan, where's the car?" Phil shouted to Alan, who was standing beside a suitcase roller with his glasses on, looking rather unbothered.

"It's on it's way," he said, looking down at Doug, who was meekly drinking his water.

"You know what?" Stu said as Phil parked Doug beside Alan, (Y/n) beginning to pace, as she couldn't sit still at the moment. "We can drive there. We can make it. Okay?" They all looked to him, but his eyes were drawn to something else. Glancing over, (Y/n) saw the familiar blonde head of Jade sitting on one of the benches, waving at them awkwardly. "Just give me one second."

"We will leave without you!" Phil called after him, and Stu gave him nothing but a wave in return.

"Come on, he needs a moment to talk to his wife," (Y/n) said, her arms crossing over her chest as she let out a sigh. "God, I only hopes he listens and dumps Melissa when we get back."

"Agreed," Phil scoffed, and met her eyes. His own looked her over once before she moved to the side, unable to deal with whatever was going on with them at the moment.

"Is he missing a tooth?" Doug asked.

"Yeah, ha-ha-ha!" Alan answered, laughing aloud at the memory. Even Phil managed a smile at the thought.

'Yeah, how did that happen anyway?" Phil questioned, looking over at Stu, who was gently talking to Jade.

"Well, Jade told me last night that Alan bet him he wasn't a good enough dentist to pull out his own tooth, and we can all see who apparently won that bet," (Y/n) told them, making the others laugh at the lost memory.

Just as she finished, the Mercedes pulled up, and it was still just as battered as ever. Phil walked to the driver's side to get in, but Alan started pulling down the roof of the car. "It needs to go in," he kept insisting.

"It's good. Get in," Phil said, the roof not fully into the back of the car, but they really didn't have the time to try. Doug and (Y/n) had already settled in the back seat of the car, waiting for them to stop.

"No, safety first," Alan stated as if they weren't about to go speeding through traffic.

"Alan, it's fine. It's down."

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