Chapter 6

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It wasn't long until the five of them found themselves stuck in Vegas traffic, a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam slowing them down from getting to the hospital. Phil kept honking the horn of the car, drinking his coffee, as the others sat in anxiety, especially Stu.

"This is so illegal," Stu said to himself, but also a little bit to Phil, who didn't seem very phased by the cop car situation.

"Can't you see the fun part in anything?" Phil asked him, looking back behind the mesh separating the front seat from the back.

"Yeah, we're stuck in traffic in a stolen police car with what is sure to be a missing child in the back seat," Stu said as he listed off their issues. "Which part of this is fun?"

"I think the cop car part's pretty cool," Alan spoke up.

"Thank you, Alan. It is cool," Phil said, looking back at Stu again. "Doug would love it."

"Let's find Doug, and then we can ask him ourselves," (Y/n) said, looking out the window of the passenger's seat at the sidewalk where people were passing them.

Phil honked the horn two more times, shouting, "Come on!" to the cars in front of him. They moved forward an inch at most before Phil turned on the cop sirens and grabbed the radio. "Check this out," he said, and started driving on the sidewalk.

"Oh, no, no, Phil. No, Phil! Don't do this! Just try to call more attention to us!!" Stu begged, but (Y/n) was simply glad to be out of the traffic, a grin making its way onto her face as she watched Phil drive through the people, talking into the radio loudspeaker.

"Attention. Attention, please. Move out of the way," Phil said, causing people walking to jump to move out of the way of the cop car. "I repeat. Please disperse."

"'Please disperse'? Who talks like that?" (Y/n) said as she laughed, Phil laughing right along side her.

"Phil, stop the car, I wanna get out. Stop the car, I wanna get out. Stop. Stop. Pull over," Stu begged continuously, making (Y/n) laugh behind her hand.

"Ma'am, in the leopard dress, you have an amazing rack," Phil said into the loudspeaker as the woman passed, giving Phil a side look with a smile. (Y/n) rolled her eyes lightly at the display as she passed, taking one glance over at Phil, who caught her eyes for a moment before they both looked forward, Alan laughing in the back.

"Get off the sidewalk!" Stu said once more, but Phil ignored him as he continued to drive past the traffic.

"I should have been a fucking cop!" Phil said in an epiphany moment as Stu screamed when he got back on the road. "Can you imagine how much better my life would be if I was a cop instead of a fucking schoolteacher?" All (Y/n) did was laugh and shake her head before they were able to get back on the road again, finally making their way to the hospital.

Once they made it, they tracked down the doctor that worked with Phil the night before, and found him looking over an older man in a private room. Asking him a few questions about what went down, the doctor continued his tests on the old man as he answered them.

"Look, I already told you. You came in here with a mild concussion, some bruised ribs. No big deal," the doctor informed them once again. "Although, none of you could articulate how it happened."

"Do you remember how many of us were here?" Phil asked as the doctor looked into the man's mouth.

"Uh, I don't know. I think it was just you guys. Definitely no baby. And one other guy," the doctor recalled.

"That's our guy! Was he okay?" Stu asked as the doctor put on a of latex glove.

"Yeah, he was fine. Just whacked out of his mind. You all were," he said, and looked back at his patient, who he had stand up. When the doctor pulled the last article of clothing he had on down, Phil quickly stood in front of (Y/n), who turned around just as fast as he did, not wanting to see any of what was shown. Alan was looking on in either disgust or awe, (Y/n) couldn't discern which. Finally, when the old man had his pants back on, Phil turned around and let (Y/n) come back out from behind him, the four of them each looking at each other awkwardly. "Okay, Felix, you can put your robe on. And the nurse will be in here in a minute. I'll see you after the weekend." Felix thanked him, and as the doctor stood up, he shook his head 'no' towards them, and (Y/n)'s raised her eyebrows slightly at the doctor's ease of lying to his patient. "Guys, I really gotta go, I'm sorry. I have a surgery up on the fourth floor."

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