Chapter 3

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Once the five of them got to their room number, Stu put the room key into the handle and opened the door, and stood shocked at the room before them. "Holy shit!" he said in awe, looking around at the huge room. It was bigger than an apartment, definitely bigger than (Y/n)'s apartment.

"Now this is Vegas," Phil said, slapping Stu on the back as they all walked in, looking around at how big it was.

"Oh, my God. This place is enormous," Doug said, looking around as they explored the room.

"Look at the view, my God. I've never seen Vegas from this high," (Y/n) said, looking out the window as she stood next to Phil. "This is crazy."

"Now we're talking," Phil said as he nodded his head in approval of his choice of room.

"Is this all one suite?" Doug asked, still looking to explore this room further, only having seen the basics. "Thank you, guys. Or should I say, thank you Stu and (Y/n)?"

"You're welcome. It's only because I love you," Stu said, still enamored by the room.

"This is totally worth the 2100 bill," (Y/n) smiled at her friend, Doug putting his arm around her as a thank you. "Oh, bar!" she said when she spotted the large bar the Alan was currently standing near.

"Okay, ladies, pick a room, get dressed. Let's be ready in thirty minutes," Phil called out, still looking out the window.

(Y/n) looked around one last time before going to one of the rooms, and looking inside. She awed at the size of it, and dropped her small suitcase by the bed before dropping down on top of it, feeling the comfortable sheets that only few people could afford to be on. Sighing, she got up and grabbed her clothes for the night before going and taking a quick shower to wash the drive off of her. Getting dressed, she put on a tight, deep red velvet long-sleeved shirt that went off the shoulders, and left just enough to the imagination up front. She had a strapless bra underneath to account for the off shoulder cut. Pulling on her black dress pants and her laced up heels that weren't too high, she walked out of her room after the smallest dash of makeup. She saw Doug and Phil talking to each other, still waiting for Stu. Doug had a white dress shirt and blazer, while Phil wore his black dress shirt under his blazer.

(Y/n) walked out and took a piece of chocolate that sat wrapped on the bar before heading over to the guys. She had to admit, Phil looked good in his black suit, his hair slicked back just enough. As she walked over, she felt eyes on her, and glanced to see Phil looking her up and down just once before Doug turned around and smiled when he saw her.

"Even girls can get ready faster than Stuart Price," Doug joked, making (Y/n) roll her eyes in a playful manner before looking around.

"Is he still getting dressed?" she asked, although the most likely answer was yes. Stu had never been good on timing his showers and getting ready. Never in their lives has he been on time for going out.

"Yep, and now that you're here, I say we go in and berate him to get ready faster, what do you guys say?" Phil suggested, but was already heading towards Stu's door.

When they got in there, Stu was still standing in his underwear with a towel on his shoulder, telling them that he had just gotten out of the shower. His phone was held up to his ear, and (Y/n) didn't need three guesses to know he was talking, and lying, to Melissa about their experience so far.

"What else?" he repeated Melissa's question as the three of them walked into his room, Phil holding up his arms in a way that said, 'come on'. "Um... we met the proprietor. Oh, I bet you- What's his name?" As Stu talked, Phil dropped down onto his bed and switched the channel on his television. "Um. Caesar. Palacè. Yeah. Like the salad." Phil tapped his watch to let Stu know that he needs to wrap it up. "Okay. Well, listen, I gotta go, cause we're gonna hit this wine tasting. Wait, wait, I love you. Bye."

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