Chapter 13

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They searched throughout the entire length of the hotel. Every closet, drawer, pillow, sheet, and chicken was searched under in desperate search of the purse. (Y/n) pulled apart every bed in every room, looking through each article of the bed to double check it wasn't shoved somewhere in one of the rooms. She abandoned those when she found nothing but covers, and ran back into the living room of the hotel to search with the others.

"You find it?" Phil asked from the bar, looking up from his search. When she shook her head no, he swore under his breath and got back to searching, shoving a rouge chicken out of his way and off the bar while pushing all the cups, bottles, and pans away.

(Y/n) was searching through the pantry when they heard Alan come back into the room and say, "Guys, I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere."

"Fuck," Phil said, stepping away from his search in frustration and leaning against the bar. He thought for a moment before asking, "Stu, how much you got in the bank?"

Stu stood up from searching under the couch cushions and said, "About ten grand. Maybe more. I was gonna use it for the wedding."

"Well, you're already married, so we're good there," Phil said as he walked towards the others in the living room, (Y/n) slamming a pantry door shut when she couldn't find the purse. "Besides, enough with Melissa, she's the worst."

"We've said this a thousand times. Just dump the hag," (Y/n) said as she approached, gently kicking another chicken aside with her foot

"Yeah, Doug told me she had sex with a pilot, or something like that," Alan spoke up as he looked under another cushion.

Stu looked between them all in disbelief. "It was a bartender on a cruise. What is wrong with you people?" He paused when he watched Alan take a bite out of a piece of pizza he found under the couch cushion, making (Y/n) crinkle her face in disgust. "Ew, Alan, did you just eat sofa pizza?"

"Yes," he said with no shame.

Phil pinched the bridge of his nose before looking up and saying, "What are we gonna do? We are so fucked."

"Hey, guys?" Alan said, getting their attention.

"Did you find it?" Stu asked hopefully, making (Y/n) perk up like a meercat.

"Nope," Alan said, making her and Stu deflate. "But check this out."

Alan held up the book that he was reading on the way to Vegas, 'The World's Greatest Blackjack Book'. He looked between them all, and (Y/n) said, "That's a terrible idea."

"Yeah, maybe. But, it's the only one we've got," Phil stated, sighing deeply and looking at the bearded man. "All right, Alan. It's up to you. You're the only one who's read that book all the way through."

Alan looked at him and held his head up high as if he were a superhero in a comic. "I think I can do it. It's time to count cards," he said, nodding his head as he looked between the three in front of him.

They came up with a plan to use Stu's ten thousand that he had in the bank and let Alan gamble in blackjack with it, hoping they could win enough times to reach the eighty grand they needed to get Doug back. Stu had phoned Jade to come over, for he was going to be sitting with her separately to keep a lookout to make sure the pit boss wouldn't catch them counting and winning too much money. Phil would act as a bodyguard to Alan, who needed to look rich and powerful.

"Okay, so what am I gonna do?" (Y/n) asked as they sat around the couch, preparing their plan.

Phil inhaled sharply and met her eyes, and she raised her eyebrows at his display. "How tight of a dress are you willing to wear?"

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