Chapter 7

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Opening the photo album, Stu seemed to have a heart attack at the sight of him with a blonde woman holding hands and looking at each other lovingly. The others looked over his shoulder at the photo, and (Y/n) could already tell this mystery woman was a lot better off for Stu than Melissa was.

"Congrats, Stu. You got married!" Alan said with a smile as he looked at the photos.

"This-This can't be happening!" Stu groaned, flipping through more photos. He flipped to one of all five of them standing with the woman, each man in a blue suit while (Y/n) was in a dress similar to the woman, only blue as well. Stu had his hand on the woman's boob as she looked at the camera, seemingly enjoying it, while the rest of them looked thoroughly wasted out of their minds. Stu groaned again as he looked at the photo, before flipping it back to the first picture.

Phil looked down at the pictures, finding one where the woman was on Stu's back as he held her up, and he was ginning wildly with his missing tooth. "I'll tell you one thing, you look seriously happy here, man," Phil said to Stu, who was still groaning.

"Definitely happier than whenever I see you with Melissa," (Y/n) commented, taking a look at the pictures, standing beside Phil.

"That's it. My life is over," Stu said as Phil discovered a picture of the woman propping her foot up on Stu's shoulder, who was kneeling down, as the both of them played air guitar.

"Stu, it's okay. Look, shit happens," Phil looked away from the photos for a moment to speak to his friend. "Come on, Melissa's not gonna know anything about this. This never happened. I'll take care of it."

"Put it here," Eddie said to his wife, who had brought in two large white cardboard boxes and set them down inside the desk.

"Hey, what's all that?" Alan asked, glancing down at the boxes.

"The High Roller package. It's what you guys ordered," Eddie said, and opened one of the boxes. "I have coffee mugs. You have baseball caps. And fancy calendars, all with pictures of Stu and Jade." With each word, Eddie set something knew down on the table.

"Her name's Jade?" Phil asked, looking at all the souvenirs.

"Yeah, and she's beautiful, man. Clean, very tight. Tits like that, but that's because she had a baby," Eddie described Jade.

"That explains the baby!" (Y/n) said to Stu, who was pacing back and forth out of uneasiness.

"Oh, Carlos, Carlos!" Alan said, recalling the name that he gave the baby waiting in the car.

"Great, all right," Phil said, and turned back to Eddie. "Eddie, here's the deal. We made a major mistake last night. We need to get this marriage annulled immediately. You do annulments?"

"Of course I do annulments. It breaks my heart and gonna make me sad, but it's no problem. I'm gonna make a very good price for you," Eddie stated, and Stu nodded his head without a noise, his hands resting behind his neck while (Y/n) tried at least calming him down a little bit. "I can't do it with just him, though. I need the chick. I need both parties."

"Oh, not a problem. That's great. Isn't that great, Stu?" Phil said, turning to Stu, who was still not speaking. "Come on, buddy, she probably knows where Doug is."

"Awesome," Stu managed.

"Okay, we need her address. She must have filled out some paperwork, right?" (Y/n) asked, and Eddie nodded his head.

Turning to his wife, who was looking at her nails, Eddie said, "Hey. Excuse me. What is the matter with you? Go and get the paperwork, man. I spend my life waiting for you. Come on. And get the baklava, please." The woman left the room as Alan continued to look through the calendar.

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