Chapter 5

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Phil, Alan, and (Y/n) sat at one of the tables by the pool, all of them wearing some sort of sunglasses to hide from the sun. (Y/n) was scrolling through her phone to see if she could remember anything from last night, when Alan spoke up, and said, "Hey, Phil, look." Looking down, Phil watched and laughed as Alan moved the baby's hand up and down as if he were jacking off. "He's jacking his little weenis."

Phil couldn't help the chuckle that left him as he said, "Pull yourself together man."

"Not at the table, Carlos!" Alan pretended to scold, causing more laughter to fill the two of them.

(Y/n), however, looked through her phone with furrowed eyebrows, seeing that she called someone last night. "What the..." she whispered to herself, seeing the phone number. A sudden wave of recognition hit when she realized who she called. "Oh my- holy shit!"

"What? (Y/n), what is it?" Phil asked, looking from her to her phone.

"I called Luke last night- fuck!" she said, closing her phone and roughly setting it down on the table. "What in the ever-loving hell did I say to him, oh shit. This is bad..."

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it, it's gonna be fine," Phil said, trying to soothe her as her head rested on the table. "Look, he probably didn't even answer it, or pay any attention to it. Just relax."

"I can't relax, ass," (Y/n) snapped, but regretted it as soon as she did. "I- Jesus, Phil, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine. Don't get too upset," Phil spoke, putting his hand on her shoulder as she nodded her head in her hands. "Just shake it off. We'll be fine. We'll get out of here, and forget this entire thing happened."

Soon enough, Stu came back with a worried face as he iced his missing tooth. "I looked everywhere. Gym, casino, front desk. Nobody's seen Doug. He's not here."

"He's fine. He's a grown man. Seriously, Stu, you gotta calm down. Here, have some juice," Phil said, placing a cup of juice in front of him. Stu, at seeing the orange juice, keeled over and vomited all over the ground. The sight made (Y/n) feel sick herself.

"I can't have juice right now..." Stu said weakly, as Phil's eyebrows rose for a moment out of disgust.

"Okay, all right. Let's just track this thing." Phil said, flipping over a napkin and grabbing a pen to write down what they remember. "What's the last thing we remember doing last night?"

"Well, the first thing was we were on the roof, and we were having those shots of Jäger," Alan said, and Stu retched once more at the mention of the alcohol.

"And we had that dinner at that restaurant... what was it called?" (Y/n) said, snapping her fingers as she tried to remember.

"The Palm," Phil filled in for her, writing it down. "Right?"

"That's right," Alan nodded his head. "And then, we played craps at the Hard Rock, and I think Doug was there."

"That sounds right... no, no he definitely was," Phil said, putting the broken pieces together, however slowly.

"Yeah, you know what, guys? I don't even remember going to dinner," Stu told them, and (Y/n) had to agree. She couldn't even remember craps at the Hard Rock.

"I know. What the fuck. I don't think I've ever been this hungover," Phil stated, setting down his drink and leaning back into the chair.

"After the Hard Rock, I blacked out. It was like emptiness, ha-ha-ha," Alan said, laughing at the end of his sentence.

"Guys, I don't even remember the Hard Rock," (Y/n) said, taking off her sunglasses and rubbing her eyes. "Jesus, what a hangover..."

"Okay, we have up until 10 pm, so that gives us a 12 hour window where we could've lost him," Phil said, going over his notes.

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