Chapter 9

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Once they were in there, the woman cop removed their handcuffs and had them sit across from her, a table between them with a coffee mug and a couple of clipboards for the cops. (Y/n) looked down at her wrists to see a couple of red marks on her skin, wincing in pain as it slightly stung. Looking to her right, she saw the classic mirror in the interrogation room. She had seen enough cop shows to know that it was a two way mirror. Her attention was drawn when the arresting officer, Franklin, walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Gentlemen... and Lady," he started, looking all of them over. "We've got some good news, and we've got some bad news. The good news is we found your Mercedes."

Phil laughed his relief that they found the car, while Alan was relieved that his dad wasn't going to kill him. (Y/n) managed a smile while Stu looked up, and for once, had joy in his voice as he said, "That's great news!"

"Yeah, it's over in impound right now. We picked it up at 5 am this morning parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard," Officer Franklin said, looking at them all disapprovingly, and their smiles dropped from their faces. "Yeah, that is weird," Franklin said sarcastically, and all (Y/n) could do was keep her head down. "There was also a note. It says, 'Couldn't find a meter, but here's four bucks'." Franklin threw the napkin note onto the desk, where Stu picked it up and looked at it. It seemed to be Alan's handwriting. As Franklin sat down in front of them, he finished, "The bad news is, we can't get you in front of a judge until Monday morning."

They looked between each other, Stu putting his hands over his head once more as Phil said, "Oh, no, officer, that's just impossible. No, we need to be in L.A. tomorrow for a wedding."

"You stole a police car," the other officer, Officer Garden, said loudly.

"We didn't steal anything. Um, we found it," Stu tried defending them.

"Yeah, if anything, we deserve a reward, or something, like a trophy," Alan said, and (Y/n) sighed, leaning her head back against the chair.

"I see assholes like you every day," Franklin said, giving them all a once-over.

"Every fuckin' day!" Garden repeated, this time with more sass.

"'Let's go to Vegas, we'll all get drunk and laid!'" Franklin and Garden started to mock them, making (Y/n) roll her eyes. "Yeah! Woo- woo!! Let's steal a cop car cause it'd be really fucking funny!"

"You think you gonna get away with it. Not up in here!" Garden said, giving them all the stink eye.

"Not up in here!!" Franklin repeated, only much louder than her.

Phil was having enough of this. Resting his elbow against the arm of his chair, he looked at the officer and said, "Sir, if I may, um, I'm assuming that that squad car belongs to one of you."

"Yeah," Franklin said, raising his eyebrows like this information was obvious.

"Look, I'm not a cop. I'm no hero. I'm a schoolteacher," Phil began, looking at each of the cops as the others looked at him oddly. "But, if one of my kids went missing on a field trip, that would look really bad on me."

"What are you getting at?" Franklin asked.

"Yeah, Phil, what are you getting at?" Stu repeated the officer's question, a little more fear and warning in his voice and face.

"No one wants to look bad," Phil continued. "We gotta get to a wedding, and you guys don't need people talking about how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night." The two officers looked between each other, thinking this over. "But look, the point is, I think we can work out a deal. Discretely, of course, ma'am. What do you say?"

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