Chapter 12

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When they finally reached the giant gate to Mike Tyson's house, (Y/n) did a small celebration that the journey of pushing the car was almost over. They got through, and pushed it the rest of the way, the tiger remaining content as it sat in the back seat, tearing the seats to pieces. Once they finally got the car stopped in front of his house, Stu, Phil, and (Y/n) collapsed behind the car to take a breather, all three of them heaving in labored breaths from the push. When they had finally regained their lungs, the four of them walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Instantly, they were met with Leonard, looking at them in anger. "You're late," he stated.

Phil shook his head and said, "Whatever, man. We had to push it the last mile."

"Come on in. Mike's got something he wants to show you," Leonard said, and opened the door a little wider to let them into the gorgeous house.

The tiger groaned from the back seat of the car, making Phil look back at it and say, "That thing's out of control, man. Seriously, you gotta put it down." He walked in the doorway and looked around at the large home, taken by how big it really was.

"Do you guys have any water?" (Y/n) asked politely. Leonard nodded to another guy, who quickly went out of the room and returned with a glass of water. "Thank you, sir," (Y/n) gasped, taking the cup without looking at him and drinking nearly the whole thing. When she was done, she placed it in the hands of Leonard before walking in further, the large man looking at her as if she was insane.

"Is she nuts, or what?" he asked Phil, who shrugged his shoulder.

"You get used to it. After a while, you don't even notice it," he said.

Leonard squinted his eyes, looking between her and Phil, before saying, "Follow me." Phil watched him as he left, a puzzled look on his face before he followed, confused by the man's reaction to his statement.

When they met Mike, he was sitting down on a very comfortable couch with a small dog on his lap, the remote in his hand. Sitting down around him, they looked to him to talk, and he said, "When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras."

"Great," Phil said, looking between everyone around him.

Leonard clicked the television in front of them on, and lo and behold, there the five of them stood, drunk off their asses, sneaking onto Mike Tyson's lawn. They were all laughing and drinking, the recording muffling their voices.

"Oh, it's Doug!" Stu said in a gleeful voice as they watched the tapes.

"Oh, thank God, he's alive," Phil said in relief, leaning back into the couch.

"That's our buddy," Stu continued. "That's who we've been missing. This is great."

"We're all best friends," Alan added.

"Guys, I don't think he cares," (Y/n) said, shaking her head as she took a sip from her second glass of water.

"The chick is right. Why don't you just pay attention? I don't have all night," Mike cut them all off, and they all went serious-faced as they watched the video recordings.

On the video, they already had the tiger, and Alan was climbing up the rocks surrounding the pool, before starting to pee right into it. Present Alan laughed as he watched, saying, "That's me I'm on tv. I've never been on tv before."

"Really? Really, Alan?" Phil said as they watched the tapes of Alan.

"That is just... disgusting," (Y/n) muttered, setting her glass on the coffee table in front of her.

Alan looked sheepishly at the boxer next to him and stuttered, "Yeah, I was, uh-..." When the rest of them sat awkwardly in his presence, he got the message, for once, and said, "Maybe- Should I wait outside?"

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