Chapter 16

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After the dancing had ebbed and the sun had set, (Y/n), Doug, Stu, and Phil all set together with beers in their hands away from the pavilion of the wedding reception. Doug was admiring the new jewelry around his finger as the rest of them simply sat back and relaxed from the stressful, active day they had. It almost didn't feel like just this morning, they were trading eighty grand for the wrong Doug that a Chinese criminal had kidnapped.

"Dougie," Stu spoke up, breaking the easy silence between the four of them. "I gotta tell you, man, this was a gorgeous wedding."

"I give it six months," Phil said, breaking the heartfelt moment.

"You're a dick," Stu claimed, although there was a grin on his face, the rest of them laughing silently as they settled peacefully into their seats.

"I don't know what to say. Thanks for the bachelor party, I guess?" Doug said, not sure if the bachelor party was worth a 'thank you'.

"Hey, thank you guys for putting up with a woman being there harping on your party," (Y/n) said, holding her unlaced heels in her hand as she looked around.

"You know it wouldn't have been good if you weren't there," Doug said. "They probably would have never found me."

"Hey, it was me who figured it out," Stu defended himself, (Y/n) laughing at his statement. "But, I do just wish we could actually remember some of it."

"Hey, guys?" they heard, and turned their chairs to see Alan approaching with a camera in his hand. "Look what I found."

"Whoa, that's my camera." Stu said, sitting up straighter in his chair.

"Yeah, it was lodged in the back seat of the car," Alan told them, and it dawned on them what that meant.

"Oh, God. Are there photos on it?" Phil asked, his eyes glinting dangerously.

"Yeah. Some of it's even worse than we thought."

"No fucking way. Give me that." Phil demanded, and Alan was about to put it in his hand when Stu and Doug spoke up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Doug said as he stood from his seat and grabbed the camera, (Y/n) standing up next to him, leaving her shoes on the chair behind her. Doug glanced back to the venue to see if anyone was approaching, and looked back to say, "We look at the pictures together, okay? One time. And then we delete the evidence."

"I say we delete it right now," Stu said, standing up.

"Are you nuts?" Phil looked at Stu, joining the circle of those up. "I wanna find out how I wound up in the hospital. Is that in there?"

"Yeah, it's in there," Alan assured.

"I say we look. There are thing I want to know," (Y/n) said, and looked down at the camera. "That might have everything we want to know."

"Guys, one time," Doug reminded them, looking around at them all. "Deal?"




Doug turned the camera on, and held it up so that they all could see the first picture. "Oh, dear Lord!!" Stu exclaimed when he saw the first picture, while Phil put his hand in front of his mouth, and (Y/n) gasped.

"That's classic!" Alan said in glee, looking at the first photo of him passed out while a topless hooker laid over him, looking down at him as he slept. The second photo was very similar.

The next one was of Stu smiling with a stripper, his tooth already missing from the photograph and the jacuzzi behind him filled with sudsy water. After it was a picture of Mr. Chow dancing up on the coffee table with a different stripper. "God, there are so many people there. How'd we get that many?" (Y/n) questioned, looking at the picture.

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