Chapter 2

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When the car's gas got too low for the rest of the drive, they stopped at a Shell gas station to gas the car back up and get a couple of snacks and drinks for the rest of the drive. Doug, Stu, Phil, and (Y/n) went inside the station to get some food while Alan stayed behind in the car to watch over it. Looking around the station, (Y/n) picked out a small pack of the tiny powered donuts to eat in the car, before Doug put them back for her.

"Doug, seriously, a little bit of powdered sugar is not gonna hurt the car," she fired at him, and went to take the food back, but he put his hand in front of her to stop her. She looked at him with her piercing eyes, challenging him, but finally sighed and picked up the chocolate covered donuts instead. "Happy?"

"A little more now," Doug said, making her huff while smiling. Grabbing a bottle of water, she went up to join Phil at the counter, who was already eating a large bag of Lay's chips.

Looking out the window as they waited, they saw Alan talking to an older fellow who was admiring the car. The man then walked away with a shake of his head as they heard Alan shout, "Yeah, you better walk away!"

"He's actually kind of funny," Phil said, taking a chip and eating it as they watched.

"Eh... not my favorite person in the whole world right now," (Y/n) shook her head with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, he means well," Doug shrugged, and they soon heard Alan shout about how he would hit an old man in public.

"Is he all there? Like, mentally?" Phil asked in full curiosity.

"I think so. He's just an odd guy. You know, he's kind of weird," Doug explained, and (Y/n) tilted her head their way.

"I mean I'd say a little more than weird, but, sure," she nodded, making Phil give a small chuckle.

"I mean, should we be worried?" Phil asked and Doug shook his head no.

"Tracy did mentions that we shouldn't let him gamble. Or drink too much," Doug started, making (Y/n) scoff.

"Isn't that the point of a bachelor party? Or have my bachelor party stories been wrong this whole time?" (Y/n) asked as she placed her stuff on the counter with the others to pay.

"Yeah, but with Alan I don't think it's a good idea. He'll end up doing something that will make the night hell," Doug said, and (Y/n) nodded her head along.

"Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit," Phil said, making (Y/n) laugh out loud.

"Ah, I think at this point, I'd prefer the gremlin," (Y/n) said, still laughing, making the two men beside her start to crack up a bit.

"And one water," Stu said, coming in between them to place his water down on the counter. They turned around the face him as Doug crossed his arms.

"All good with Melissa?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Told her we're two hours outside of wine country and she bought it," Stu said as if he were pulling off a massive heist.

"God, Stu, I don't know why you're still with the witch," (Y/n) said before turning to the others, her eyes set on Stu, who looked at her with somewhat timidity.

"Yeah. I mean, don't you think it's strange you've been in a relationship for three years and you still have to lie about going to Vegas?" Phil asked, leaning against the countertop to face Stu.

"Yeah, I do, but trust me, it's not worth the fight," Stu said.

"Been in that scenario..." (Y/n) muttered to herself, but Phil caught her words.

"What?" he asked, looking at her oddly, but she simply brushed him off with a shake of her head. He sighed at her stand-offish behavior, and looked back to Stu saying, "So, you can't go to Vegas but, she can fuck a bellhop on a Carnival Cruise Line?"

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